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Status Updates posted by DevilMinder

  1. Working on software if you see error messages, its totally me. Sorry

    1. aylbert


      Hey, uh, I speak a little code. You're an assbite, pardon my code. -Turd Ferguson

  2. I completely unistalled Tapatalk and updated everything. It is a lot smoother now for those of you who use it.

    1. Devlin


      I just updated to the HD version Tapatalk...the forum works awesome using it! :)

  3. Anyone else having problems getting in via Tapatalk?

    1. 2ELIAS6


      i had a problem getting on the site from my ipad but i could get on using my phone.. i went to google and got on here that way

    2. DevsMan84


      Getting an error whenever I try to log onto the site via my iPhone. Not using Tapatalk

  4. People need to keep calm and carry on. I am going to start handing out bans soon.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Derek21


      NJDEVS Home Of Panic Attacks

    3. Devilsfan118


      Drop the banhammer!

    4. DevilMinder


      Thats a good idea TLoA. I will use holograms too

  5. What the hell do you mean there is 3 more hours until the game? Zzzzzzz

  6. Somewhat disturbing how many hack attacks are attempted on this site daily. /done reading logs.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Devilsfan118


      And by people, I mean personal accounts

    3. DevilMinder


      Trying to get into the site. Probably to spread viruses

    4. aylbert


      I blame Kovy.

  7. Guess the search died, someone should have told me!

    1. DevilMinder


      I restarted the search engine and rebuild the indexes. If any sees something say something

    2. aylbert


      NJDevs = MTA? :)

    3. Devilsfan118


      Ah I guess that's what happened..I thought it was something on my end.

  8. Congrats to Henriqued our 6,000th member

  9. Tapatalk released a Tablet APP for Android. its much easier to use now.

  10. Hmm, wonder if I should do some dusting in here. The cobwebs might scare some fans.

    1. mouse


      That's what she said?

  11. Good thing we switched from GoDaddy or we would be offline right now!

    1. RowdyFan42


      Indeed. I switched my domains off of GoDaddy a few months ago (because I was fed up with their sleaziness) and I'm happy I did.

    2. MantaRay


      Who were you using before DM?

  12. You don't know what you got, till its gone

  13. YESSSS!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. NJCroMag


      What? WHAT? Did you finally get those topless pics of Jennifer Love Hewitt?

    3. DevsMan84


      Someone has topless pics of JLH!!??

    4. aylbert


      Carson Daly... he gets everything.

  14. Damn the hats at Modells are soo nice... must resist... urge

    1. MantaRay


      The force is strong. Fortunately, Sports Authority SUCKS. I was then blindsided by Target who actually HAD Devils merchandise. I ceded to temptation.

    2. Pepperkorn


      DM ruined everything by NOT buying that hat. You wouldn't invest so the team was unable to be fully invested.... that's got to be it.

    3. DevilMinder


      Oh yea,lay it on me.

  15. Enjoy the moment Devils fans. There are 26 other teams out there who wish they had the chance.

    1. aylbert


      Of 30, there will only be 4 remaining after tonight. But we're as close to the finish as we are the starting line. We need that relentless forecheck to be relentless. The goals will follow. 8 WINS TO GO!

  16. Seen Flyers or the canucks forums? Panic isnt specific to Njdevs, I hate that broad generalization.

    1. Devilsfan118


      Oh I know, it was just surpring this morning, that's all. Check the boards for updates and had to click through 4-5 negative threads, haha

      No worries though, obviously this isn't unique to this forum

  17. Site traffic is through the roof! We just got hit with usage overages doh.

  18. Damn check out the last post in this thread. Amazing Devils fan den http://njdevs.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=53663&st=80&gopid=1105972entry1105972

    1. thefiestygoat


      Wow, thats impressive!

    2. Devilsfan118


      Dude...I'm jealous of that room, holy sh!t

  19. Thanks to UDX for the awesome banner update!

    1. aylbert


      Very nice update UDX!

  20. OMG I almost forgot the banner!

  21. Any tapatalk Iphone users having problems? Or can you connect just fine?

    1. Aznjsn


      I just get a global set up error message everytime I load it up. Doesn't inhibit anything though, just a pop up error.

    2. DevilMinder


      Well, seems to be a common problem going on the numerous threads at their site. I will look around.

  22. The Devils Facebook feed irks me. It never gives a score if the Devils are losing.

    1. 95Crash


      The NHL FB feed is even worse. It doesn't give any scores at all. I wonder, what's the point?!!

    2. aylbert


      Agreed... the Devils FB really needs to be fair in posting the score... twitter seems a little better; a few too many updates for my liking, but at least I know what's up.

    3. DevsMan84


      Exactly. I have posted on here before about that. They are updating the same game until they are losing and you won't get another update until they lost and they post the final score.

  23. anyone else getting these random site crashes?

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