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Status Updates posted by DevilMinder

  1. Damn, Patriots cut one of their players on the eve of the big game. COLD>

  2. Remember people, keep your avatars work safe please.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. DevilMinder


      it was shocking, just shocking.

    3. aylbert


      I'm pretty damn vulgar.

    4. Masked Fan

      Masked Fan

      WASN'T ME!! WOOO!

  3. Anyone having popup/redirect issues?

  4. Congrats Scotty! This wouldn't have been the same without Doc. Thanks Doc!

  5. Chat is back online

  6. Basketball is locked out... and nobody cared.

    1. Microwavepizza


      bas..ket..ball? whaaa

    2. Pepperkorn


      is that anything like pocket pool?

    3. Masked Fan

      Masked Fan

      It is AWESOME not having to hear that coverage on ESPN all friggin day.

  7. Doh, I just realized the freebie calendar from the Devils end in September. Well played Devils well played.

    1. devs82fan


      yea i know! why couldn't they include october at least.

  8. Thank god, on ice action starts next week.

  9. I have yet to see a Devils license plate...

    1. DevsMan84


      I did see one, a few months ago parked at a strip mall. Have seen none since.

  10. Fantasy hockey Leads, I can move your recruit threads to Hell if you need me too. let me know

    1. Derlique
    2. Quinn01


      Go for it. The more the merrier.

  11. Get in on the board awards, it is a good way to show you appreciate positive contributions to the forums!

  12. Total Posts 995,963

    1. Devils Dose

      Devils Dose

      Oh wow. Will you know who's was the millionth when it happens?

  13. It really is over isn't it. Damn, I am sad now!

  14. Traffic is down to summer levels. Guess nobody believes anymore.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Dadds3424


      well that sucks.

    3. aylbert


      FORRRRRRREEEE! This team bugs me... it's too streaky, too reliant on Kovy to get the scoring done. Getting Parise back next year barring insane RFA offers will help out, but getting an older Elias and Rolston hurt.

    4. Devilish34


      Lets Go Devils

  15. Getting sad with FIOS. We will never get MSG HD.

    1. Microwavepizza


      i hope we do...

    2. Satans Hockey

      Satans Hockey

      I hope they do as well so I can finally rid myself of time warner cable.

  16. Clarkson's skates couldn't take one more toe drag and committed suicide tonight.

    1. NJDevs4978


      lol I thought Clarkson popped a hammy or knee when I saw him hopping around. I was like WTF when he was out for his next shift, I've never seen a skate blade come off before.

    2. DevilMinder


      The skates were already depressed because they kept getting blamed for Clarkson's falling down.

  17. Kovalchuk is amazing. (So are the Devils right now)

  18. Let the madness begin

    1. thefiestygoat


      can't wait! first time ever that i don't have work or school on deadline day!

  19. Backing up and doing site maintenance today to prepare for tomorrows crush.

  20. is thankful for the first win streak of the season.

  21. At least the Giants can share some of the power failure shame of the Devils now. Same union? LOL

    1. Derek21


      good 'ole PSE &G

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