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Status Updates posted by aylbert

  1. 10 Wins to Go!

  2. I am the keeper of a greater magic, a power known throughout the universe... as the Schwartz!

  3. 10 wins to go!

  4. 11 Wins to Go!

  5. Will somebody get the kid a happy meal????

  6. When I dip, you dip, we dip

    1. thelastonealive


      Freak Nasty wants to see if y'all are doin it right.

  7. Devils Pre-Sale, 9AM tomorrow by e-mail invite only... nice. The less Flyers fans the better

  8. Game 4 is Broduer's birthday... I know a great present for him... if he doesn't mind breaking out the broom.

  9. 13 Wins to Go, Simple as that.

  10. Everybody gets knocked down, How quick are you gonna' get up? Just how are you gonna' get up?

    1. thelastonealive


      GREAT freakin song. I think I'm gonna listen to that all day tomorrow.

    2. Quinn01


      Ill knock you up.

  11. 14 Wins Needed!

  12. Respect the PK... if you don't, you let in 6 goals and cause the sky to fall.

    1. Pepperkorn


      oh...I thought you meant me.

    2. aylbert
  13. 15 wins to go!


  15. Is it Friday yet???? arg.

  16. I'm rubber, you're glue... I guess we aren't human.

  17. I love cats. I love every kind of cat. Sorry. I just. I really love cats and I just wanna hug all of them but I can’t cause it’s crazy. I can’t hug every cat. But I just want to. I want to. I want to.

    1. NJCroMag


      They're quite delicious indeed.

    2. Quinn01


      They are so cute you just want to drown them.

    3. aylbert


      NJCroMag, get back in the attic, you alien life form.

  18. That's me on the beachside, combing the sand... with a metal meter in my hand, sporting a pocket full of change

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. aylbert


      Im in the middle of reflooring my house myself.

    3. Pepperkorn


      with Linoleum? get it? Get it????

    4. Pepperkorn


      I just hate to think I'm too obscure for you two even... :-(

  19. Do you smell what the Aylbert is cooking?™ That's right, I trademarked it.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Pepperkorn


      it's been over 24 hours and I still smell nothing. what gives?

    3. aylbert
    4. aylbert


      Behold th€ stench of Aylbert's breakfast burrito


  20. If I win Mega Millions, I'm buying NJDevs and banning NJCroMag. End of story.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. aylbert


      Nope! It can't be willing. It's the only way. I will give DM every last penny to make this happen.

    3. DevilMinder


      well heres hoping you win!

    4. aylbert


      Hear that NJCroMag? DM doesn't want you around. :D

  21. I will not rest until... I sleep.

  22. I keep looking for the Lifehouse - Hanging by a Moment playoff commercial from like 01/02... anyone remember it/ have it?

    1. Derlique


      I always thought it was 00-01. I love that song, but I feel like I am bitter towards it because it was from that dreaded playoff year

  23. It's funny... been inside and out 'cause when you are inside you're still actually outside aren't you? Then you can say when you're outside, you're inside because you're always inside your head

  24. I know a girl who thinks of ghosts She'll make ya breakfast She'll make ya toast... She uses vaseline

    1. RowdyFan42


      If you could "like" NJDevs status updates, I'd like this one.

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