Like I said, I know I'm in the minority on this subject, and I don't expect to change anyone's opinions. I also understand exactly where you are coming from, in terms of how it doesn't have he feel of a batman movie. That's probably one part that like about it. That being how slow his progression from an angry guy obsessed with revenge to a champion of justice is. In too many superhero movies is the origin story rushed in order to get the action, which is most often the main crowd pleaser, but that's my opinion. I do however, completely disagree on Ra's Al Ghul being a "terrible" villain. He's a good antithesis to Batman in his views on how justice must be carried out, which is what leads to their clashes.
On the Holmes vs. Gyllenhaal thing, it's not a huge difference to me either. It was more-so just a point I threw on the end there, and I may not really be giving her a chance, because it's just a pet peeve of mine when movies change actors in important roles between sequels.