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Everything posted by nyrsuck26

  1. This is a big statement game. Gotta come out flying. LET'S GO DEVILS!!
  2. Both are fantastic shows, but if I had to choose one, it'd be Friends.
  3. Well, this team certainly has hit its stride. I find myself in the unusual situation of being optimistic that the Giants win next week. I don't know how to handle this.
  4. We're still alive. Now hopefully we can carry this momentum into Lambeau.
  5. I still cant believe the Tebows Broncos actually won that game.
  6. Section 103 tonight! LET'S GO DEVILS!!
  7. G-Men are still alive! And almost just as importantly, the Eagles are eliminated!
  8. 4 pages already, and still 3 hours til gametime. Guess we're pumped for this one, huh? LOL LGD!!!
  9. Just got finished watching on DVR. God, that was awesome on so many levels.
  10. LGD!! Win it for Nieds! I will be chearing from afar!
  11. I was so excited when I heard this!! I wish I could go...
  12. Oh this is certainly a dream come true for Sandusky's attorney but this still only pertains to one of his victims. He will still get justice done upon him for the others even if McQueary's testimony is thrown out. As far as all others involved, it "helps" them too, not that it matters. I don't see too many people changing their opinion over this however.
  13. Any trade that gets rid of Rod Pelley is a good trade to me!
  14. Thank You Eli Manning and Jason Pierre-Paul. Thou arst gods amongst men.
  15. I had heard about this a while back but completely forgot. Thanks for reminding me. I'll definitely try to go! I've been pumped for D1 hockey ever since I heard about the move last year. Where would I be able to find tickets?
  16. "well-to-do conservatives" here. Pretty true of Bergen County.
  17. It's certainly very interesting. I'm not sure how I feel yet.
  18. Putting it politely, I see.
  19. That was pretty cool. Always nice to hear that the Devils existence is actually recognized in the outside world. lol
  20. Another season, another 6-2 start followed by a 2-6 finish....
  21. Can't lose this one. Let's Go Devils!!
  22. Yea that was what made me wait until now to get the system, but there some new (seemingly good) games on the horizon, so I decided now was a good time to invest. Honestly, the biggest upgrade I've noticed over the DS (other than 3D obviously) is probably the circle pad, which in my opinion was one of the major areas that the PSP always beat the DS. Amongst the actual features though, I do like the fact that you have access the Nintendo e Shop. I definitely see myself downloading numerous old games to relive the glory days. There isn't much there right now, but you can definitely see the potential such as downloadable remakes of some of the classics in 3D (for example they just released the original Kirby's Adventure with a 3D makeover, which I found kinda weird considering the game is 2D sidescroller lol). I also believe it's backwards compatible with DS games (haven't actually tried yet), so you can keep those. The ability to take 3D pictures is kinda cool (although I really don't see a situation in which I might use it, other than to show it off). On an aside and as a warning to all, I do have to say that if you are someone who gets pissed off easily by little problems that really don't affect anything other than pissing you off, than this may not be for you (at least until the inevitable revamped version of the system comes out), because there are a few of them. For example, the 3D effect is cool, the inclusion of the gyroscope and accelerometer is cool, but when using the two together, unless you move you whole head with the display you will screw up the 3D effect and probably screw up whatever you're doing in your game. Also, I don't know who thought it would be a good idea to put it there, but the volume control is on the left side of the handheld, so when holding it your left hand goes right over it. Already numerous times I've gone to press the L button and accidentally turned up the volume to max (which is really loud), and had to scramble to turn it back down.
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