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David Puddy

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Everything posted by David Puddy

  1. I just accidentally rolled over your name... nice status message.
  2. Kind of sad that a 26-year-old is considered a "young kid" in today's society.
  3. Maybe it's 2 days after the last scheduled game?? The only sources I can find are news reports... who knows what the actual legal language is.
  4. AFAIK the pick must be a "natural" first round pick for the Devils. It can't be a pick obtained from another team.
  5. You don't have to take my word for it...
  6. Can't give a double minor for boarding.
  7. Before they implement penalty challenges, I'd at least like to see officials be able to confer more. This way when the back ref makes a bullsh!t call 50 feet from the play that the front ref had a clear view of, they could pick up the flag. Also, the linesman should be able to have more input when they have a clear view of a bad call or missed call. Right now they're only allowed to report major penalties (and too many men). It would be great if the linesman could say, for example, "hey I saw that and the stick completely missed his face", and then the ref could decide not call the penalty.
  8. This wouldn't work. This would be like cops giving tickets to everyone going over the speed limit, even if it's by just 1 mph.
  9. David Puddy

    These Offsides

    That's not true anymore... but maybe it used to be. "If the puck is shot on goal during a delayed off-side, the play shall be allowed to continue under the normal clearing-the-zone rules. Should the puck, as a result of this shot, enter the defending team’s goal during a delayed off-side, either directly or off the goalkeeper, a player or an official on the ice, the goal shall be disallowed as the original shot was off-side."
  10. People gotta learn not to schedule weddings during the Stanley Cup playoffs. Dang.
  11. Missed the game tonight because of a wedding. So glad I get to watch at least one more game this season!
  12. The Toronto Marlies went down 3-0 tonight. They lost in OT on a fluke bounce off a glass stanchion. The problem was that when the puck was shot in, the Admirals were offside, creating a delayed offside situation. AHL Rule 83.4 (very similar to NHL rules): 83.4 Disallowed Goal – If the puck is shot on goal during a delayed off-side, the play shall be allowed to continue under the normal clearing-the-zone rules. Should the puck, as a result of this shot, enter the defending team’s goal during a delayed off-side, either directly or off the goalkeeper, a player or an official on the ice, the goal shall be disallowed as the original shot was off-side. The fact that the attacking team may have cleared the zone prior to the puck entering the goal has no bearing on this ruling. The face-off will be conducted at the face-off spot in the zone closest to the point of origin of the shot or at the nearest face-off spot in the neutral zone adjacent to the attacking zone of the offending team. The only way an attacking team can score a goal on a delayed off-side situation is if the defending team shoots or puts the puck into their own net without action or contact by the offending team.
  13. David Puddy


    Just don't let it be Kings in 5. That's all that matters.
  14. 61.1 Slashing - Slashing is the act of a player swinging his stick at an opponent, whether contact is made or not.
  15. This doesn't matter. A player CANNOT hit the goalie's equipment in an attempt to dislodge the puck.
  16. 85.3 Puck Out of Sight - Should a scramble take place or a player accidentally fall on the puck and the puck be out of sight of the Referee, he shall immediately blow his whistle and stop the play. The puck shall then be faced-off at the nearest face-off spot in the zone where the play was stopped unless otherwise provided for in the rules.
  17. SHUT UP PIERRE THE PUCK WAS NOT LOOSE it was under Marty's pad.
  18. C'mon guys, this thread is for POSITIVITY! Take the criticism somewhere else.
  19. These were 2 close games and could have gone either way! It's a game of inches and the series isn't over yet. LET'S GO DEVILS! DON'T LET UP!
  20. I hate that the club seats make it look like the game isn't sold out. Already had one Ranger fan say that "it's embarrassing for the Devils and the league" that there are empty seats.
  21. Great example here. "A minor penalty shall be imposed on a player who restrains an opponent who is attempting to 'fore check.'"
  22. Once again, a one timer from the slot is not a soft goal. Stoppable, yes, but not a softie.
  23. Isn't this what they wanted to get out of the game when they had those "obstruction" penalties?
  24. 1. I saw this coming when Zidlicky got caught pinching. 2. Zubrus looked so slow. At least dive and try to get a stick on him. Penalty shot would be OK with me. This isn't some pickup game where nobody cares if you back check. 3. Dammit Marty, stay on your feet, don't paddle down when he's still at the dots. Which of the one-timer in the slot and the breakaway do you consider a softie?
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