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Status Updates posted by Pepperkorn

  1. So...are the Devils the baby Pens now? Or, like, what do we call our Penguin-like self? Re-tred is kind of lame, yeah?

  2. Clearly the Gods of Sports has put me in chanrge of coaching changes this month. I think I did a slightly safer change in Michigan.

    1. Pepperkorn


      no... I actually haven't been drinking...and yes, I am illiterate

  3. My dearest friend in Ireland..finally devoted some time to hockey..and.. yes, true she IS a corporate Lawyer... but... she's so SMART... just .. WHY WHY has she decided to be a Ranger fan. On the bright side I think she's a jinx! not telling her that though!

    1. aylbert


      only slightly better than a bond company stooge /lifeaquatic

    2. mouse


      Nice reference! Love that movie.

  4. No love for Nieds?

  5. So - did anyone ever notice how much the Stanley Cup looks like a milk can with a mixing bowl on top?

    1. NJCroMag


      ^ DRUNK AGAIN.

    2. Masked Fan

      Masked Fan

      +1 for CroMag

    3. Pepperkorn


      +2 for masked fan posting!

  6. Why can't Holik opine about the lockout - I'm not reading his stupid shooting blog -- hmmph.

  7. Who doesn't love the expression "pillow talk" ??

    1. NJCroMag


      Those of us who typically wake up to our spouse trying to smother us with a pillow?

    2. aylbert


      I think Rock Hudson hates 'Pillow Talk'...

  8. I don't believe in head hunting -- but sometimes a little chin music is in order!

    1. aylbert


      Sweet Chin Music would absolutely be devastating with a skateblade... I think. Hit my music!

  9. ok -- I need a nap now

  10. Man I can't focus on work today... it kind of sucks.

    1. aylbert


      Is there a game tonight?

    2. Pepperkorn


      Not that I'm aware of.... but my buddy is on Americas Got Talent.


    3. aylbert


      Your friends with Howard Stern? We can't be friends anymore. O&A!

  11. May the Fourth be with you... where'd I get that I wonder...

    1. aylbert


      I am the keeper of a greater magic, a power known throughout the universe... as the Schwartz!

  12. We're posting like a bunch of fans primed to lose. These are the Devils, not the Maple Leafs. Yeesh. Snap out of it.

    1. Quinn01


      Thank you PK!

    2. NJCroMag


      You gotta nerve showing up here with a positive attitude, pal... [rolls up sleeves]

  13. I'm just really dissatisfied with last night. How could it have turned out better? and yet I feel gross irritated - like I'm in a hair shirt --- there is no decent outcome in that series.

    1. aylbert


      Every game, OT... 7 games... with lots of soreness and leaving the victors drained.

    2. Pepperkorn


      if only BOTH could be ousted. just... no other solution will be truly satisfying. Flyers oust the Pens -- then get suspended from the rest of the playoffs for dirty play - cheating... that would be cool

  14. For giving me that sick excited feeling in my stomach with his status update MAYDAY is my poster of the day

  15. Happy Birthday Stubbs wherever you are. How did we never nickname him Hanrahan when his last name was Harahan?

  16. Mouse is my favorite poster of the day!

  17. Today's favorite poster is Colorado Rockies. I'm going to do this with all my status updates now.

    1. aylbert


      Are you still upset that I shaved your head?

    2. Pepperkorn


      it was really the chrome dome thing that irks me still... that - and I won!

  18. Normal site activity! Did we lose the spam bot counts?

    1. aylbert


      That's what I call anything NjCroMag posts.

    2. DevilMinder


      I changed the active list to show 5 minutes instead of an hour of visitors like normal. I am trying to see the activity levels a little more accurately.

  19. Happy Birthday! You're 15!!

  20. Hey -- your birthday is coming up... I'll forget it, I know I will....

  21. I need a Stevens fix... I need HOCKEY... hmeh I'll go listen to Bobby opine I guess

  22. OK Ayl... all I can think when I see your avatar is that's what the kid is gonna see when you change your first diaper!

    1. aylbert


      I'm pretty sure that's accurate, if my wife's newfound flatulence is any indication. My dog lays some good ones, and hers were enough to offend the dog to abandon the couch and covers that he was sharing with her. Dogfarts have nothing on her.

    1. 95Crash


      Nice article, PK. Leave it to you to find it, haha!

    2. Masked Fan

      Masked Fan

      Yup! "I can help the herd in the meantime by harvesting and eating does."

    3. Pepperkorn


      first time I've ever been glad google cross refs with your common search topics! Haha!

  23. I always get so excited to check the board. Why? What do I think I'll find? I have to say it's pretty muchnever here whatever it is... but I still love seeking...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Quinn01


      I was promised high fives.....there seems to be a pattern forming here.

    3. Pepperkorn


      Oh they'll all be here one day -- that's why you have to keep coming back.. and search for "arby's" and :high five" using the advanced search feature!!

    4. aylbert


      I steal them all. It's what I do.

  24. Michigan game... Devils, The RU against UCONN (my sister is a husky) What a day!!!

    1. Pepperkorn


      Refs lost the Mihcigan game, Won the Devils game and the Scarlet Nights beat their own ass to a bloody pulp ( *insert head slap)

    2. Masked Fan

      Masked Fan

      Yeah, this could've been such a better weekend.

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