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El Diablo

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Everything posted by El Diablo

  1. We could use the spark if those notables dont show up for round 1...
  2. El Diablo


    The old horseshoe in the boxing glove trick.....
  3. I completely agree...YAHOOS !!!!
  4. I want to see those two plus lucky ducky in the same room...
  5. The resemblance is uncanny..Im scared......
  6. I think the beauty of the Seinfeld episode was Kramer banging on the glass trying to psyche Messier out
  7. I recall some lame series my wife was watching some years ago and the main character Paul Sorvino (who sang the anthem at games) was a toll taker - someone w/a rangers bumpersticker gives him some crap at the booth and he promtly yells back " Oh yeah -who's got the cup now baby??"
  8. Backstage tour of his locker, parking spot and seat assignment on charter jet.
  9. Hey- I recall they had their chance in 2000, but #26 had something to say late in the game.
  10. "Communication Breakdown, it's always the same..." -Led Zep See, they know what you're talking about...
  11. Im selling ripe tomatoes...anyone? they're ripe...
  12. I thought I saw his mother as high bidder...
  13. Dont get me wrong - I'd take him on my team, but personality wise...no thanks, he belongs up there with the ESPN team.
  14. I digress on my thoughts on JR on a previous thread...
  15. Dont forget the second story of that game -- JR falls down and gets mad !!
  16. I love that Doc guy !!! A master worthy of Websters
  17. There is enough turmoil in Devil-land as it is - introduce more? I cant see it, maybe if they get bounced quickly, but Lou's smart, he knows the limitations of this team's version.
  18. El Diablo

    Likely opponents

    Yeah that goal on Esche last night was weak
  19. Cant we just suit PEPE up again? Im sure he wont mind !!!
  20. I believe you forgot the F in the middle of that...as Dee always put it
  21. The Smithereens Fountains of Wayne Southside Johnny Eddie and the Cruisers who played Fairligh Ridiculous - oh wait that one doesnt count..... BRUCEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE EEEEEEEEE
  22. I lost respect for that guy (Roenick) the first time he went to the All Star as a flyer. He kept hamming it up to the camera sending waves to his peeps in Philly, never mind he had just came from Phoenix !!! What a clown!
  23. Chanceux pour moi que je travaille avec un Macintosh - construit dans la traduction. ARRIBA DIABLOS !!
  24. In reference to the "injuries" angle is where I support the 'spinning' -but you have to agree that is a bit messy now..wether by design or accident.
  25. I have to say there are times that Lou's propaganda machine has worked - but looking at the results, this isn't one of them. This has been mishandled from the outset and now instead of looking forward to 'when is he', we are discussing who he's pissed at and if there is dissention. Just once I like us to treat a situation with some class. Sheesh!
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