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Everything posted by Swede

  1. i think they have a part of it at least
  2. ok, fair enough, don't fully agree with the way you see the author's intentions but got your point. (though i would like to see how the claim that she is more popular than biden is a fact )
  3. paint a clearer picture yes, make a stronger point sure, but as a whole more credible as a news source? never. comedy is often used to point out hypocrisy, to show holes in arguments, and hopefully it will lead to that people are starting to look more closely to what they hear and trust the people who are shown to be hypocrites less.
  4. ok, then lets agree that the author's numbers were wrong, whether from misunderstanding or something else. Can we also agree the original usage of these numbers (something is bigger than 0) was misleading?
  5. yes, that would fall under the 'deceptive' category too... as the point would be to show that McCain is something that he isnt
  6. that it was 100% true isnt the point. the guy tried to make a point... or as you put it earlier, be comedic, and used something to compare to that just doesnt exist... noone has gotten any votes for president yet. things can be 100% true and still be deceptive, or silly as you put it, if you present it as something else. the reason we pick on this and ignore the others is just because you wont acknowledge anything we argue, it might be comedic, silly or whatever, but not misleading according to you
  7. well, its something to go to election with at least on another note, im abit surprised that the national debt and the pace it is growing at isnt a bigger issue so far
  8. well one in my block might plan something so just lock up all of us just to be sure look, what im saying is basically, you need these basic rights, if only to make sure that no innocents are locked up. the way i see it is that i would rather see 5 guilty people go free than one innocent having his freedom taken away from him yes, but not all the people have shown to be non-uniformed combatants, some have been set free after all these years... i have less problem with how non-uniformed combatants are treated, just make sure they are just that.
  9. mask... so you would be ok with an american being locked up for 5 years without any rights if he went abroad? would it be ok for usa to lock me, as a swede, away indefinitely without rights?
  10. the link didnt... i didnt agree with your take nor understand how you could have come to those conclusions and tried to make you see it differently, but decided to give up arguing it with you
  11. lets make this clear: daily news is $hit for news, it isn't its a mock news show that sometimes hits something really funny as in this and it should in no way and form be compared with 'real news'
  12. ok, you arent getting off that easy according to what i have read irish unemployment was at a 7 year high in feb this year... do you have any more recent numbers for me to see? and i will not agree that tax cut often has led to more money to the government unless you show me some figures for the second part... i'll leave that where it is... i think it was misleading, and if it was that point that he was aiming for, well it went over my head at least and it sounds like something you made up now not to lose an argument Squish got misled, did not try to mislead, thats just my .02
  13. ok, i'll bite "If you want to compare your fox news to a comedy show, you're more than welcome to." 'they're fox news. The show that leads into daily show is puppets making crank phone calls.'
  14. and i am saying that you still are not seeing the big picture if you just focus on amount of money paid in tax it is not a fair number to use. say we cut tax by 10% and therefore need to cut down on welfare and fire 500k people... these people will now have less money to spend and that will in turn affect the buying power of the middle class as the companies need to get the same money from fewer people hm, easily and truthfully you say? then please tell me the point he is trying to make when comparing any number to number 0
  15. so if 10 or 50, or 5000 innocents are affected by it then so be it?
  16. if you belive the effect that taxes has on the full society to be an simple thing, you are either very intelligent, or not trying hard enough
  17. bit misleading though, wouldnt you say?
  18. in other news; the pre-rankings are really bad
  19. i agree that the author's points doesn't show the full picture, and is aimed to prove her wrong. But what im saying is that the numbers used in the speech is of little interest and are used to portray a future that just would not happen. So we have both side of the spectrum here and as usual no room for analysis
  20. he does not write anything that i could read as taking the middle class tax down to 0. actually in the end the spending, not the taxes will come back to the american people, whats the good of low taxes if the deficit is increasing all the time.
  21. look 731. i will not try to argue this with you. if you belive that that clip and what stewart is saying means in any way that he wants 'daily show' to be taken seriously, then i will go elsewhere.
  22. no, what he is saying is that crossfire cannot claim that they are better than the daily show to prove a point... of course they should be better... but that they need to aim higher than comparing themselves with his comedy program. steward again and again says that he is on comedy central, that the show before his are puppets making crank phone calls. does that sound like a man that want to be taken like a serious news guy?
  23. look, i do not agree with your conclussions to what he says. are you really reading that into what is being said or are you just out to prove a point?
  24. is overall tax burden really something that is valid discussing like this?... i mean, i sure hope the overall tax burden covers the expenses, and if you want that, well there need to be major cuts or increased tax. isnt the original point from the speech just made to make the middle class people (which is most of us) believe that their taxes are going up with x%? this means that what the author does here is show a more detailed picture that is more fair than just lumping all tax together and adding a %age
  25. what? are you for real, panties? loony? (ok, the guy is not correct in what he's saying but come on) leeds seriously, you are going to have to pay me 1c for each time you use loony between now and the election... i'll be back with the bill in a few months link?
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