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Lost Season Two Thread


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Sawyer probably split the 600K with that guy or maybe that guy got a bigger cut.

Interesting, we now have a Darth Charlie. Black hood and everything. Sawyer as his apprentice? :D

It was a good episode, not too many of those this season. Next week looks good too.

I miss Shannon.

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Sawyer probably split the 600K with that guy or maybe that guy got a bigger cut.

I don't think so; I think Sawyer played both the woman and his partner, then got the hell out of Dodge. He tells her that his partner is waiting in the car and will be coming in to shoot them both if he doesn't get the money before he sends her out the door with the fake bag, then he's alone in the car later.

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True, but being alone in the car doesn't mean he doesn't meet with that man again later. The car may have been just a scare tactic. To be honest, I was hoping the woman was making a long con out of Sawyer.

WHAT THE HELL.. how does that happen... glitch in the system.. I certainly didnt type it twice.. nor did i hit post twice.

That is what a double post will look like now. Previously it would have been two separate posts. Sometimes this feature is convenient, sometimes not so much.

Rowdy, what is the amount of time between posts needed to have it create a new post instead of append the previous one?

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Rowdy, what is the amount of time between posts needed to have it create a new post instead of append the previous one?

I believe it's currently 10 minutes. We may decrease that a bit. Of course, if someone else sneaks a post in after you, the time since your last post becomes irrelevant since it'll be treated as a new post no matter what.

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how many of you caught kate's mom as the waitress in the diner?

Yeah I saw that, but I didn't like the show it stood still as far as the plot goes. I like the ones that have crazy stuff happening and things are revealed. I wanna see a full on battle between the Losties and the Others. And I hope the rumors that they are gonna kill off Ana Lucia are true because I can't stand her. The next episode looks good I can't wait to see what happens when the clock runs down without hitting the button!

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Yeah I saw that, but I didn't like the show it stood still as far as the plot goes. I like the ones that have crazy stuff happening and things are revealed. I wanna see a full on battle between the Losties and the Others. And

the problem is that if you go at that breakneck speed... the series will last 2 seasons...considering they're making it up as they go along.

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I thought last episode gave us more than meeting the others episode and the charlie tries to baptize the baby episode. We got Sawyer trying to usurp power and Charlie turning to Sawyers dark side in the name of revenge. On the more abstract side, we also probably got a larger rift between Jack and Locke, a tighter relationship between Jack and Anna Lucia, and a distancing between Sawyer and Kate which will be interesting to see what Kate does now that she is pretty much on her own.

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I got the same thing...it gave us a look at how the characters are changing for whatever they are surviving for...Charlie's sole purpose now is to make Locke look like and idiot...Sawyer is showing his true colors, which is fine by me cuz he was getting to be too like-able....I still maintain that Jack is the ultimate good and the others are the ultimate evil...everyone else just has to choose a side in this whole big gray area...it'll be interesting to see how the Kate/Jack relationship starts up again with Sawyer pushing Kate away!

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Jack is turning out to be an a$$hole. Much like his character on Party of Five. Imagine that, away from TV for years and you still get typecast! :doh1:

No way....to me Jack is representing the "true" good on the island while the others are representing that "true" evil...but what we are learning is everyone else in the middle need to pick sides...obviously Sawyer is leading that "middle" group with Darth Charlie as his apprentice :D...Jack is too niave would be the more accurate statement...but then again he's a doctor and a good one not to mention a good guy (i.e. telling his wife about the kiss right away..even though he really didn't initiate it nor did he continue it) The only thing that's bothering me is the division in the group...they need to solidify before season's end or they are going to get torn apart, literally, which won't make for a good finale (esp since JJ Abrahms wants the show to be on 4 seasons at least)

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I thought Jack said he kissed her back?

I just find him to be an a$$hole because he feels he can demand things from anyone on the island. I mean who is he to demand anything from anyone? Only reason Locke opened the vault was because he was paranoid about the button which he now has a secret about. Speaking of that, didn't anyone else hear the turbines/motors whirring?

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Oh ya, I heard what sounded possibly missles warming up. Still didn't answer any questions though as those sounds could have been faked to measure the persons response once they believed they had screwed up and something bad would happen. Looks like we get more Dharma stuff next week which I like.

Jack does seem like a bit of a jerk to me right now too.

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Of course we did... was there any significance to the glyphs that popped up? Had we seen them before?

I love Hurley... he's so Stephen King... the good guy who's fatal flaw may turn him bad. Sawyer was sweet last night! He's so Stephen King too... this is all very The Stand-like.

I liked last night because I have a crush on Clancy Brown! tender.gif He has the best taste in roles/projects I mustsay -- even if some turn out to be edited to suckydom...

Edited by Darwindog
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