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My complaint about Mr. Scott Gomez


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The purpose of this letter is to outline a plan to transform our culture of war and violence into a culture of peace and nonviolence. As a preliminary, I want to stand up and fight for our heritage, traditions, and values. I had thought the world was free of putrid maniacs. So imagine my surprise when I discovered that Mr. Scott Gomez wants to support those for whom hatred has become a way of life. You may have noticed that he has a hidden agenda. But you don't know the half of it. For starters, Gomez's long-term goals have experienced a considerable amount of evolution (or perhaps more accurately, genetic drift) over the past few weeks. They used to be simply empty-headed. Now, not only are they both obdurate and satanic, but they also serve as unequivocal proof that there is a format Gomez should follow for his next literary endeavor. It involves a topic sentence and supporting facts. I have a plan to show you, as dispassionately as possible, what kind of officious thoughts Gomez is thinking about these days. I call this plan "Operation examine the social and cultural conditions that lionize mentally deficient scofflaws". (Granted, I need a shorter, catchier name, but that one will do for now.) My plan's underlying motif is that we must advocate social change through dialogue, passive resistance, and nonviolence. To do anything else, and I do mean anything else, is a complete waste of time.

In this land which has befriended abominable, hotheaded barrators, Gomez has conspired, plotted, undermined, prostituted, and corrupted, and -- hiding to this hour behind the braver screen of stultiloquent autocrats -- dares to contrive and scheme the death of every principle that has protected him. He can fool some of the people all of the time. He can fool all of the people some of the time. But Gomez can't fool all of the people all of the time. I believe that it can be safely said that his criticisms are a hotbed of scapegoatism.

I am now in a position to define what I mean when I say that Gomez represents the most recent incarnation of the unique 20th-century phenomenon known as "litigious nonrepresentationalism". What I mean is that his method (or school, or ideology -- it is hard to know exactly what to call it) goes by the name of "Gomez-ism". It is a scary and avowedly witless philosophy that aims to break our country's national and patriotic backbone and make it ripe for the slave's yoke of international irreligionism. It would be nice to say that rapacious chauvinism doesn't exist anymore, but we all know that it does. Fortunately, if you ever get into an argument with some of Gomez's functionaries about whether or not the success of his shell games relies upon the average voter not knowing whether our nation has gone communist, socialist, fascist, or merely insane, I have an excellent sockdolager for you. Simply inform the other party that if the only way to reverse the devolutionary course Gomez has set for us is for me to serve as a human shield for Gomez's bombardments, then so be it. It would undoubtedly be worth it because he constantly insists that his statements are Holy Writ. But he contradicts himself when he says that he is the one who will lead us to our great shining future. Look at what's happened since he first ordered his secret agents to create a mass psychology of fear about an imminent terrorist threat: Views once considered wretched are now considered ordinary. Views once considered disloyal are now considered perfectly normal. And the most yawping of Gomez's views are now seen as gospel by legions of meretricious loudmouths.

Gomez's adages can be subtle. They can be so subtle that many people never realize they're being influenced by them. That's why we must proactively notify humanity that Gomez has a glib proficiency with words and very sensitive nostrils. He can smell money in your pocket from a block away. Once that delicious aroma reaches Gomez's nostrils, he'll start talking about the joy of isolationism and how those who disagree with him should be cast into the outer darkness, should be shunned, should starve. As you listen to Gomez's sing-song, chances are you won't even notice his hand as it goes into your pocket. Only later, after you realize you've been robbed, will you truly understand that if you read his writings while mentally out of focus, you may get the sense that sexism is the key to world peace. But if you read Gomez's writings while mentally in focus and weigh each point carefully, it's clear that he coins polysyllabic neologisms to make his manuscripts sound like they're actually important. In fact, his treatises are filled to the brim with words that have yet to appear in any accepted dictionary. If Gomez believes that the world's salvation comes from whims, irrationality, and delusions, then it's obvious why he thinks that individual worth is defined by race, ethnicity, religion, or national origin. In particular, if he can one day support international crime while purporting to oppose it, then the long descent into night is sure to follow. Gomez's lieutenants maintain that the majority of puerile, illiberal firebrands are heroes, if not saints. This is precisely the non-equation that Gomez is trying to patch together. What he's missing, as usual, is that he has been known to say that university professors must conform their theses and conclusions to his randy prejudices if they want to publish papers and advance their careers. That notion is so unscrupulous, I hardly know where to begin refuting it. Does anyone believe his claim that he has been robbed of all he does not possess? Come on, anyone? Like I thought, Gomez's maudlin preoccupation with ethnocentrism, usually sicklied over with such nonsense words as "galvanocontractility", would make sense if a person's honor were determined strictly by his or her ability to make us too confused, demoralized, and disunited to put up an effective opposition to his words. As that's not the case, we can conclude only that there's no shortage of sin in the world today. It's been around since the Garden of Eden and will unmistakably persist as long as Gomez continues to condemn children to a life of drugs, gangs, drinking, rape, incest, verbal abuse, physical abuse, and a number of other horrors.

Gomez has a strategy. His strategy is to conduct business in an impudent, stubborn way. Wherever you encounter that strategy, you are dealing with Gomez. He holds onto power like the eunuch mandarins of the Forbidden City -- sterile obstacles to progress who make bargains with the devil. I've always thought that it is singularly apt that Gomez has an implacable determination to satisfy his own ambitions and lusts at whatever cost to his advocates, his nation, and even to his own progeny, and hearing the rubbish that Gomez spews forth proves it beyond all doubt. What shall we do? We have several options. We might hold out the prospect of societal peace, prosperity, and a return to sane values and certainties. We might develop an alternative community, a cohesive and comprehensive underground with a charter to allay the concerns of the many people who have been harmed by Gomez. Or, we might avoid the extremes of a pessimistic naturalism and an optimistic humanism by combining the truths of both. Any of these options, I aver, are acceptable. Still, we must choose one of them or else Gomez will foist the most poisonously false and destructive myths imaginable upon us before long.

For the nonce, Gomez is content to introduce changes without testing them first. But sooner than you think, he will deny us the opportunity to get him off our backs. He favors manipulative psychological techniques over honest discussion. The same might be said of the most impulsive whiners I've ever seen. He is the type of person that turns up his nose at people like you and me. I guess that's because we haven't the faintest notion about the things that really matter, such as why it would be good for Gomez to do the devil's work.

We ought to help people see Gomez's inaniloquent machinations for what they are. That'll make Gomez think once -- I would have said "twice" but I don't see any indication that he has previously given any thought to the matter -- before trying to grant a free ride to the undeserving. My vision that some day, people everywhere will derail his insufferable little schemes is an inspiring dream. Unfortunately, reality always awakens me and reminds me that there is a problem here. A very large, pernicious, grotesque problem.

Gomez does not desire to benefit humanity, but rather to declare a national emergency, round up everyone who disagrees with him, and put them in concentration camps. It may be obvious but should nonetheless be acknowledged that he likes to brag about how the members of his little empire are ideologically diverse. Perhaps that means that some of them prefer Stalin over Hitler. In any case, Gomez's fans have been staggering around like punch-drunk fighters hit too many times -- stunned, confused, betrayed, and trying desperately to rationalize Gomez's recalcitrant platitudes. It is indisputably not a pretty sight. Ostensibly, Gomez does not intend to gain a virtual stranglehold on many facets of our educational system, but in fact, his sophistries are like an enormous adversarialism-spewing machine. We must begin dismantling that structure. We must put a monkey wrench in its gears. And we must purge the darkness from Gomez's heart, because it is hardly surprising that Gomez wants to scrawl pro-metagrobolism graffiti over everything. After all, this is the same perverted self-promoter whose slatternly prattle informed us that free speech is wonderful as long as you're not bashing him and the wanton wonks in his army of crotchety, obstinate troglodytes. You should never forget the three most important facets of his witticisms, namely their depraved origins, their internal contradictions, and their tendentious nature. If I want to sell my soul to the devil, that should be my prerogative. I sincerely don't need Gomez forcing me to.

It is quite common today to hear people express themselves as follows: "Gomez's whitewash of the issue offers no real analysis of the situation that resulted in his libidinous ebullitions in the first place." Gomez's manifestos have created a reprehensible universe devoid of logic and evidence. Only within this universe does it make sense to say that our elected officials should be available for purchase by special-interest groups. Only within this universe does it make sense to trivialize the entire issue. And, only if we do what needs to be done can we destroy this feeble-minded, craven universe of his and build a new understanding that can transport us to tomorrow.

So, what am I doing about that? I'm educating. I'm trying to insist on a policy of zero tolerance toward Stalinism. Gomez wants me to stop trying to do something about the continuing -- make that the escalating -- effort on his part to introduce disease, ignorance, squalor, idleness, and want into affluent neighborhoods. Instead, he'd rather I wind up in a straitjacket and locked in a padded cell. Sorry, but I don't accept defeat that easily. Even if one is opposed to cynical pauperism (and I am), then surely, he wants to change this country's moral infrastructure. Faugh. Although theoretical differences can be drawn between Gomez's mudslinging, stinking scare tactics and anal-retentive particularism, these are distinctions without a difference. Allow me to explain. Gomez hates it when you say that he will just moan and groan until we give him permission to hijack the word "scientificogeographical" and use it to hoodoo us. He really hates it when you say that. Try saying it to him sometime, if you have a thick skin and don't mind having him shriek insults at you. To sum it all up, Mr. Scott Gomez often starts with a preconceived story and then plugs in supposed "information" in order to create a somewhat believable tale.

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My problem(s) with Gomer have been a long time coming. Everything to him was a big joke. I have heard people say that it was his relaxed attitude, sorry that just doesn't cut it. My mantra for awhile has been Gomer is A Goner. The kick in the pants was game 5 against Ottawa and all he cares about is Cinco De Mayo. Unacceptable. Good Riddance - Give me someone who is going to go out there every shift and work hard, give it their all and not be concerned about where the sangria is coming from.

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