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Obama Economics ... not just healthcare

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I presume you are referring to the Gramm(R-Texas)-Leach(R-Iowa)-Bliley(R-Virginia) Financial Services Modernization Act of 1999?

LOTCB, the world most Republican independant.


Just on this site because it is full of liberals. Trust me, the ones here who build up the Republican party like they do no wrong are just as funny.

I just come to this forum to laugh and that is it.

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Just on this site because it is full of liberals. Trust me, the ones here who build up the Republican party like they do no wrong are just as funny.

I just come to this forum to laugh and that is it.

You mind doing a poll?





EDIT: I'll do it.

Edited by Super 17
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You mind doing a poll?





EDIT: I'll do it.

It's been done before. IIRC Conservatives topped the list because most "liberals" actually identify themselves as independents (or moderates) despite the best efforts of some people trying to convince the board otherwise by saying things like you "freakin lib" every time you post.

edit: Hrm I can't seem to find, it, should have been an easy search I may have thought it was a poll on something else, never the less never hurts to have fresh perspective as I see you have made a thread.

Edited by squishyx
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It's been done before. IIRC Conservatives topped the list because most "liberals" actually identify themselves as independents (or moderates) despite the best efforts of some people trying to convince the board otherwise by saying things like you "freakin lib" every time you post.

edit: Hrm I can't seem to find, it, should have been an easy search I may have thought it was a poll on something else, never the less never hurts to have fresh perspective as I see you have made a thread.


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Paragraph 3: You are asking me for sources when you make that outrageous and unsupported statement that if Bush was in office things would be worse and that we wouldn't have heard of a reporter being detained? You have no basis for that other than partisan bias. Oh, sorry you also have a what if scenario that depends upon upcoming elections in Iran that might depose that fruitcake. Again a what if scenario. Iran continues its anti israel rhetoric. As for the Iranian population that you espouse such a deep knowledge of, according to this AP story Iranians view the US less favorably now then they did a year ago. So instead of your tenuous what if scenario I was basing my opinion on a real poll and facts.

So I happen to stumble upon the actual survey today. doLink

True to form, the poll does show that only about 29% of Iranians have favorable opinion of the US, he compares that to 34% that had a favorable view in a poll in Feb 2008. The problem is he is referring to some mysterious poll that is near impossible to find (or doesn't exist). This is the real poll I think he is alluding too about Iranian views was published in April of 2008, but the survey itself ran from Jan 13th to Feb 9th 2008. link

There may very well be another poll that he is pulling his information from to, but I doubt it. But if you stumble apon it let me know I'd like to see it. So this is either an additional poll to base "facts" on (since I know you always do that) or the actual poll he was quoting in which case he was just wrong. Whats nice is, it also shows the results from 2006, two polls in one!

Held favorable view of the US

Dec 2006 - 22%

Feb 2008 - 24%

Apr 2009 - 29%

Minor 7% increase, probably not statistically relevant, however since you felt a 5% swing down was, I wonder how you feel about this?

Held favorable view of the American People

Dec 2006 - 45%

Feb 2008 - 51%

Apr 2009 - 48.3%

Average here is around 48%, not much movement on this either way.

Here is what I found interesting that original author leaves out....

held unfavorable views of the United States

Dec 2006 - 76%

Feb 2008 - 69%

Apr 2009 - 55.6%

In 2 and a half years the percent has dropped almost 20 points.

Held unfavorable views on the American People

Dec 2006 - 49%

Feb 2008 - 37%

Apr 2009 - 20.2%

here we see a 30 percent drop in points, almost 20% in one year alone.

Where did these drops go? the "don't know" category goes up from 3% to 7% too 20% respectively for each question as well as a smaller portion going into the "favorable" column. I think that is a good indicator that Iranians aren't so sure they hate Americans anymore. I call that improvement. Some other interesting facts the 2009 poll also shows but were omitted from the article

-60% support unconditional full support with the US.

-77% favor full trade and normal recognition

~73% favor world aid in either humanitarian or technological assistance in exchange of giving up any nuclear weapon ambitions.

-20% can speak English

-43% said withdrawing from Iraq would improve their opinion"a great deal" while another 23.8% said "somewhat".

Still, 3 polls isn't that much to go off of in a country renowned for suppressing public opinion.

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