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Everything posted by Stolen

  1. I've been to one game against the Rangers and it was home....they were totally cool compared to Philly fans at this years home opener. I was pretty shocked.
  2. Damn, I went to this game expecting to see what I saw over the weekend and damn....imagine if we never win a home game.
  3. didnt know i had MSG until tonight lol i dont even know whose who when the talking is going on or on 660
  4. do u think marty shook his left glove as a mental game on Ovechkin?
  5. imagine if marty didnt stop that last shot before the period ended
  6. this is my first time watching a game and being on here at the same time....its kinda fun. what happens during the games that tells you to hit F5 on this? Or do you just constantly hit F5?
  7. If we were all as loud as two of those Flyers fans, we woulda got a citation.
  8. THere weren't, but I meant like when I went to my one Rangers game there were tons like scattered and relatively quiet.
  9. I've been to like one Rangers game and it wasn't as bad as this game in my opinion. And a majority of Rangers fans don't have to commute 2 hours to watch a game either.
  10. Were you anywhere near 117??? I won't say the whole game, but they definitely made their presence known. It was kinda sad...they showed more life than the home teams fans. Made losing that much more bitter tasting.
  11. I was in section 116....117 was loud as hell. It felt like the Philly fans were louder than the Devils fans.
  12. lol place was tighter than a virg----thought hadn't crossed my mind lol
  13. Maybe because I'm young of just got into the Devils last season, but I decided to go check out the equipment when the line was gone...or about 3 picks before the Devils picked and I couldn't find anything of interest. I got a stick for 20 bucks, but it turned out to be 50 so I put it back...wood is 20...but I could get one for 15 at Dicks. I guess 50 is good for a stick, but I just started playing and am not into composites and etc.
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