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Juice, anyone?


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The other day, I made the mistake of not bringing the remote with me while I took a dump. When I came out of the bathroom, my girlfriend had surfed Netflix and popped on the movie Fat, Sick And Nearly Dead.

For those who don't know, it's about a fat, sick guy who goes on a nothing-but-juice diet and loses a ton of weight, drops all his meds and ends up helping a fatter, sicker guy along the way.

Now we have a juicer. :lol:

Anyway, so far it's pretty sweet. We're not doing anything too extreme with it. I'm just bringing some with me to work to make my lunch a lot healthier than it's been.

So far, we've only tried three recipes. One with blackberries, pears and grapefruits (not bad); red peppers, carrots, tomatoes and parsley (not as tasty and it didn't keep well at all); and oranges, carrots, beets and mint (friggin awesome).

We got all the recipes from the book that came with the juicer, a Breville Juice Fountain Plus. We're really happy with the juicer. The pulp comes out practically bone dry so there's no wasted juice and it isn't much of a pain to operate or clean.

Anyone else our there juice? Any favorite mixes? Will this thread die almost immediately?

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I don't know if this is relevant to the thread because it's not so much juice as it is a smoothie, but for a while last summer I was making Green Monsters somewhat regularly. The base is either kale or spinach (hence the name), your choice of milk (soy, almond, regular cow's, etc.), and usually ice and a banana. From there you can build on that by adding various fruits, flax or chia seeds, and various protein and other powders. I usually didn't stray too far from the basic recipe, though sometimes I would add in blueberries, strawberries, mint, or peanut butter.

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I have a juicer but I try to eat the whole vegetable or fruit. The kale crap whatshisface... Dr Oz pushes does tempt me to haul the juicer out again. But you have to remember what you put in the juicer -- say 5 apples.... is what you're eating calorically but without the benefit of fiber. Vegetables are more tempting to juice because they're not as caloric for the most part. It's my own lameness.

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Right, from what I understand you get pretty much everything from the fruits & veggies except the fiber. That's why you need to keep the veggies as the main ingredients and use fruits more sparingly as something to just make it more palatable. A co-worker of mine has started juicing too and he started out with nothing but fruits and couldn't figure out why he was getting heavier. Gotta watch those sugars and calories.

The Mean Grean juice isn't bad. I made the mistake of buying a bag of kale greens (it was on sale) as opposed to the whole kale. You get practically no juice out of it at all. Ended up swapping in spinach and that's worked pretty well.

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haha Yeah, the pulp seems like such a waste. Aside from an addition to the compost heap, I don't know what it'd be good for. Of course, the people who sell the juicers try to make it seem like it'd be a great main ingredient for cookies (not sure how) or would make an excellent dessert if you just dallop some meringue on top (yuck).

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