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Status Replies posted by DevilNurn

  1. so i went to a free comedy club in nyc last night and louis c.k. just walked in and did an act.

  2. i was out of town this weekend. i'm finally able to watch the Giants game on DVR. don't tell me how it ends.

  3. Is anyone else massively bored?

    1. DevilNurn


      yes...and bad timing during finals. i opt to do nothing rather than do my final projects.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  4. scanned tickets at the Verizon Tower. Then got stuck in the elevator and saw Anssi Salmela. Didn't talk to him though since there was another fan in there and didnt want her to try to ask for his autograph

    1. DevilNurn


      does that kind of thing happen often vic? that's awesome!

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  5. finally turned 21. LET THE [LEGAL] FUN BEGIN!

    1. DevilNurn


      grats bro! i can't wait until april when it comes for me!

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  6. Every day Miss Janet, everrryyy dayyy

    1. DevilNurn


      love this commercial...

  7. Ho hum that was a fun night out. Now lets see how the Devils did.... OH SWEET JESUS

    1. DevilNurn


      couldn't have said it better myself.

  8. Nothing better than coming back from a week of exams and turning on hockey :-)

  9. I hope for everyone who wasn't at the game tonight's sake that there will be a video of the Elias goal posted somewhere. IT FEELS LIKE 2000 AGAIN

    1. DevilNurn


      couldn't get over how gorgeous that goal was.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

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