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gardenstatepkwy last won the day on November 14 2014

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About gardenstatepkwy

  • Birthday 03/18/1982

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    New Jersey

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  1. Seller sent me a private offer of $300 because I'm watching it. It would have to be $150 before I'd even consider buying it. They are going to have to accept taking a loss on this one and hope to make it up on the other jerseys in that lot. I don't think Terreri is highly collected/popular enough to warrant $300-400 for non-game used.
  2. That's awesome detective work, DevsMan! Appreciate it! I keep my eyes out for Terreri stuff all the time but rarely come across anything. Especially jerseys.
  3. That era of jerseys is my favorite because of that ultrafil material. I absolutely love them.
  4. 100% lurking. Just changed the description and removed any mention of game issued!
  5. I'm probably about the size to fit in a 48 (5'11 170) but not sure I'd want to even make an offer given the fact he seems to be knowingly deceptive. Rubs me the wrong way.
  6. Great eye on the font being slightly off! Appreciate the reply!
  7. Came across this "game issued jersey" on eBay which I'm seriously doubting is a GI jersey. Size 48 for a goalie? I know Terreri is a smaller dude and they wore smaller size chest protector in that era but 48 seems really off. I think I saw one of his jerseys on Meigray once and was sized 56G if I recall. Can anyone with more jersey knowledge offer thoughts? Huge Terreri fan and would love this jersey but I don't think I'd spend $500, even if it was game-used. https://www.ebay.com/itm/Chris-Terreri-Game-Issued-Jersey-New-Jersey-Devils/373049557732?hash=item56db7c82e4:g:JkkAAOSwnTteuhj8
  8. So this may be a longshot but I have a David Wright authentic Mets road jersey purchased directly from the Majestic clubhouse store online (will have to follow up on size as I'm at work) that I'd be interested in trading for a Devils retro jersey size 48/52 or a Team USA jersey from the 96 World Cup (know these are like hens teeth so would def take a replica). I'd also consider the random Chris Terreri jersey. I'm not a huge baseball fan and this Wright jersey is just sitting in a Majestic garment bag in my closet.
  9. I'm jumping in here late to the autograph talk but I actually went to one of the previous Rico signings at SMU. My wife bought me "the photo" for Christmas one year and bought the non-auto version and was mad at herself because she wanted to get me the signed copy. I came across an ad for a signing at SMU the following week and decided to go. My wife loves Rico but was working. When I got there it was pouring rain and the line was around the building and up stairs. It was nuts. There must have been 100 people or more ahead of me. Maybe way more.All standing out in the pouring cold rain. It was hard to tell. Anyway I finally get up to meet him and he was the nicest dude. Asked him for a quick photo and told him my wife was going to be so jealous. He signed the photo as if he were signing the very first. Nice and clear and even asked me which color marker I'd prefer, making a recommendation on which he thinks looked best. He's exactly the kind of guy you come to expect from hockey players. Down to earth, loving life, and recognizes how lucky he is to be playing. He was also great with all the kids there to meet him that were so nervous they could hardly look at him. I'm not a huge auto hound but I'm glad I went that day. When my wife got home that night and saw the photo where I left it, only this time it was signed, she did a double take. When I showed her the photo his assistant took I didnt know if she was going to cry for missing meeting Rico or be happy I got it signed. 😂 $25 well spent. Thinking back on the few times I've had getting autos or meeting players most have been cool - Salvador, Ron Hextall, Bernie Parent, Grant Marshall. All those Devils alumni ambassadors have been great. One guy that wasn't the nicest was John Vanbiesbrouck. Kind of an ass. But everyone has off days so maybe I caught him on one,
  10. Knew Devils needed a D man but god damn. Crushed. Rico was a huge fan favorite. Probably a good team move for the Devils but this one stings fandom wise.
  11. Great win for the boys last night! What mystery pucks did everyone get? Wife got Santini, I got Butcher.
  12. So I was lucky enough to grab a couple of tickets for Friday's game that have Platinum written on them (Sec 18 Row 12). Was surprised to see this since I thought only the first 5 or so rows got this access in this section. I'm guessing this gives me access to the platinum bunker lounge below the black seats. Do these tickets also let you enter through the VIP entrances? What time do they kick you out after the game? I did some reading up from older posts that mentioned the platinum club but I don't recall seeing this. This may be my first and last time with this access
  13. That's awesome news! See ya InBev beer! Can't wait to grab a Head High. Never thought it would happen.
  14. I read recently there are many more NJ craft beer options at the Rock this year. I think I saw at least Kane and Brix City both had accounts now. Can anyone confirm and know where in the arena these are?
  15. Was on there the minute non-presale tickets went on sale and theres nothing left for Elias night. Gonna have to keep an eye on the Hub throughout the season. Bummer.
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