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My umpteenth Scott Stevens dream


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Just because I always report these. This one was amusing to me but I can't make any sense of it.

I was eating lunch in the same place as Scott Stevens - it seemed like a cafeteria - you know it must have been some kind of student center... any how --- I didn't want to bother him He was eating soup off a tray he was all alone and I wasn’t sure if I should sit with him.

So then it sort of flashed and somehow we ended up at the same table and he was really shy but friendly - totally fine with my sitting with him and gave me no attitude and didn't make much eye contact when we talked. We were eating fast food and I said I shouldn't be eating this crap and asked how much fat was in a milk shake and he said he had no idea because it's not that he knew what was in what (nutritional content of foods) he just normally didn't eat crap. Then I sort of realized he was kind of eating with me, crap and stuff, to sort of be more on my level – he was being nice making some weird effort or something :lol: then he looked up and smiled but he made it with a big mac -- his lips were the two all beef patties and his teeth was cheese and special sauce...(you know how you do with an orange peel) then he sort of blushed and I found it endearing in a gross kind of way and SOOO out of character for everything I'd heard about him. I also wondered how he got it all to stay in place and not goosh out and stuff.

(How WEIRD is this dream even?). We talked and the dream sort of faded into the next day.

I was at the beach and I bumped into his wife and oldest daughter and we were talking and they knew me as if we were neighbors – I thought it was so strange they were there because I had told Scott I was going to be there and I was sure he would have avoided the place. So I asked them if they made him go and they said Hell no! He forced them all to – no one wanted to because they had just spent all day boating the day before. I was then wondering why he wasn’t talking to me since he obviously came there to see me… He was ignoring me and just sun bathing and we all were just thinking how weird he was being because he NEVER just sat in the sun getting a tan – I was thinking maybe I was supposed to go say hi but then I thought maybe he just wanted me to see he had a happy family or something… :noclue: the whole feeling was what the hell does he want from me? It was so odd and charming - he was so out there and vulnerable while at the same time saying nothing – I just thought if he doesn’t tell me what he wants he just won’t get it so :noclue: then I woke up kind of dream laughing.

Normally I know what it means but I have no clue with this one. I DID make soup yesterday. A wicked corn and leek chowder. I also went up to that Devils neck of the woods you know – I forgot about that I was around 46 and thought of Clairmont Auto “I’m here for the party” Yeah – I must have been thinking how ridiculous that whole thing was… even though I haven’t seen it…that must have been lingering in my mind I guess…

Maybe Zamode will stop in and offer up her thoughts ad interpretations. :evil:

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I can interpret this. It's rather simple really. You want to bang Stevens. Many times and many ways.

BTW, what kind of soup and why out of a tray? Why not a cup or bowl? It could get messy in just a tray and annoying to spoon.

Orange peel grin? Didn't that scare The Godfather's grandkid?

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I can interpret this. It's rather simple really. You want to bang Stevens. Many times and many ways.


I will also add that your conscience is trying to beat down your feelings for Scotty by trying to guilt you with putting his family in your dreams!

I was also baffled by eating the soup off a tray. That's just odd.

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My husband saw this last night and said "you posted THAT MUCH about a stupid dream?" Then he walked away shaking his head saying something like "there is something wrong with you" or something equally condescending :saddevil:

Well I said "duh? :noclue: "

<_< I felt like el diablo feels when I explain to him about his plastic blonde women fixation... :giggle:

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:hah: My husband saw this last night and said "you posted THAT MUCH about a stupid dream?" Then he walked away shaking his head saying something like "there is something wrong with you" or something equally condescending :saddevil:

Well I said "duh? :noclue: "

<_< I felt like el diablo feels when I explain to him about his plastic blonde women fixation... :giggle:


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