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Everything posted by RunninWithTheDevil

  1. i guess I was right to not trust anything Lou says. http://www.sampsonsheriff.com/Headline%20N...orgeMelton.html
  2. Holy sh!t Lou i think you're my new best friend. I mean, the quad isn't yours, but if you actually do smoke weed why are you always so up tight?
  3. http://njdevs.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=40089 the typo was not the point. The point is that I posted a link, I said nothing about it. Then you assumed that I was insulting police officers. I never said anything of the sort. My father was a cop, and I want to be a cop.
  4. http://www.ananova.com/news/story/sm_56314.html just saying
  5. whoops. totally thought you were a girl. my bad.
  6. actually, i retract my last statement. Lets just delete mine and give Coorslight her GDT because she wont be able to for a while.
  7. if the devils lose tonight i officially endorse Coors as soon as she gets back to posting GDTs.
  8. Wow Im really sorry I forgot ALL about that. Sorry! fixed.
  9. http://www.nhl.com/ice/preview.htm?id=2008020367 Hopefully THIS TIME we can give the Philly Phailures a taste of their own smoke bomb. Rolston coming back WOOOO. FLYERS SUCK LIVE TV FEED http://devils.nhl.com/team/app?gameNumber=...mp;service=page
  10. I haven't seen this many sad white people since they cancelled MASH.
  11. Nationalism=wants to end other countries because yours is superior. Communism=wants to take over other countries and merge them to yours. Similar goals.
  12. Korea and Vietnam were practically the same war. Same purpose. One led to another.
  13. thelastonealive already won. im pissed
  14. I mean militaristic, I said communist because of the post I was replying to. Freudian slip. But basically, militaristic is somewhat nationalism, which is communisms cousin pretty much. But thats besides the point. You ask which one attacked an American city, but we were NEVER at a physical war with communism besides Vietnam, which was years after any war with Nazism. While we're on the topic of attacks against America, why dont we talk about the U.S. destroyer Maddox incident? (I think Loulam will LOVE this part, he loves talking about USS Cole so much.) The government LIED to us about Maddox being "attacked without provocation" so they could fight their dirty little war against communists in southeast asia. the SAME communists (cough HO CHI MINH) that they had PREVIOUSLY supported to fight against Japan. Hmmm government lying so they can go to war... sounds familiar. im sick of getting off topic.
  15. In my non-homosexual opinion, you're very handsome for a big and tall man. Definitely not a Michael Moore type. I'm not gay.
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