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Everything posted by RunninWithTheDevil

  1. this is fvcked up.. and how dare anyone try to inject politics into this.
  2. You're doing GDT's from now on. Good luck charm.
  3. I never said Obama had faced anything tough. I'm just saying that McCain hasn't either in the context of senate.
  4. Haha what a joke of a post. When did I ever say any of this? Waterboarding is torture, plain and simple. Please tell me about the IRA.
  5. Yeah, I meant it from his politics career. what has he done in congress that was so tough? What has he gone through?
  6. Jimmy honestly. go fvck yourself, you know nothing about me. I never said I didn't appreciate him. I didn't say i don't respect him. I'm saying that him being tortured doesn't make him qualified for president. PS Jimmy I'm 18 and my family makes under 40,000 dollars a year altogether. My father is a retired cop who caught a disease working in a jail. he can't work so he barely gets any money from his pension. my mom makes 26,000 a year. I cant find a job. Silver spoon? fvck off.
  7. What has McCain ever dealt with thats "tough"? Yes he was a POW. How does that give him presidential experience?
  8. "You're just a liberal who's soft on terrorism!" Sounds like Jimmy Waterboard Leeds.
  9. I just don't see the point in this thread can you elaborate what you're trying to say? We're all listening. And JL, honestly you're just losing your creativeness lately.
  10. It's a idiom meaning "prepare for the worst" or "prepare to defend yourself." .....sooo?
  11. yeah until he said that and made you look like an ass.
  12. I won't apologize for anything so you can kiss my fat white irish ass. There, now I just made it about race.
  13. I never said this, and even if I did, I would think my fellow supporters of "Barack Hussein Obama" would agree with me. Plus, I said that with just cause, as Loulam is a known racist. I'm sure you've made some rather anti-obama posts regarding his background, but you know better than I do, so I won't go searching through the boards in order to prove my point.
  14. Speaking of deep-south politics, wheres LouLam? I figured he be here by now bashing the n**ger-lovers
  15. If she did the rap, I might have written her in for president and Obama for VP.
  16. It's sarcasm man. This is Don you're talking about.
  17. http://njdevs.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=39614 Also done in the 08-09 Schedule thread.
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