It's well known you carry a serious grudge toward Philadelphia and their fans by your experience there a few years ago. Can't say i blame you but, sorry, that you weren't part of the Devils fanbase starting from 1984 like i was because the Rangers have some of the worst human beings possible among their fanbase. I grew up with it more then the Devils fans of today.
Just utter stupid, knuckle dragging, arrogant "NOO YAWKERS" who hide behind the team's "tradition" (LOL) and long history in the league. It doesn't end there. Add in the assclown Northern NJ people who for some reason (either by birth or choice) need to lean on NY for an ego boost or fulfillment of following a major market team who has won one Cup in 71 years. The worst Rangers fans are the middle aged and older crowd becuase they've been through watching the Devils win and the Rangers fail with the exception of one season in their life.
I guess people had to be around in the early days of the Devils through the 90's to really understand that. If you need a bit of a refresher, head on to the next Devils/Rangers game at either building and don't sit in the expensive suit seats, either. How many physical altercations have we seen at either building that went un-recorded? Christ, i saw a carfull of Devils and Rangers fans in the 1994 Playoffs literally stop in the parking lot, empty and go at it.
If cam phones existed in the 80's and early mid-90's you'd see how "civilized" Rangers fans are....
Both of these fanbases are human cesspools of filth. The only difference is the Rangers are far more "corporate" right now and their filth is more diluted and priced out but the DNA is there, trust me. It'll come out at the right time. It always does.