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Everything posted by Guadana

  1. in sequence we dont trust. After all i`m understand. Do not thank.
  2. Its not amazing but it is what it is in lesser games. With horrible linemates. After Hughes went on first line devs are 3-1-1 btw. Both loses with Dominge. Hughes has 1g and 2a. Isn`t as bad? Zacha may play in different game with differenet numbers, because it`s differenet team. We never know. Today he play for his salary. it`s over. And his salary is 2.2KK per year. And he is decent and capable enough. What were we all expect - stay in the past. Strome had some expactations too. Anyway everyone - Bratt, Butcher, Severson, Hughes, everyone else can change his game for better if managers can change all coaching stuff. Because no one didnt grow in his own game really well as we were all expect. Our coaching stuff is our circumstances.
  3. yep. They didnt ask to pick them 6th. All what they ask - it`s their salary. Everybody in the world say that hughes isn`t ready for NHL(and he is the best in pts from this draft anyway). Boston coaches wanting Thornton to ease into the game, and NJ coaches wanting to not svck the cock.
  4. Why circumstances is meaning something for you in other happening?
  5. There is no untouchable player except Nico and Mac on this roster. And if van surprisely offer Petterson for Nico or Mac - they weren`t be untouchable right after this moment. it’s an empty boltology as well as talk about unfulfilled expectations from a player selected at any number because of the number.
  6. he is 91.7% from 1st november. I think it`s enough to be a regular starter. Bad we have some back to back games. And Lou. LGD!
  7. He is capable 3rd or 4th line player, he has salary and numbers of capable 3rd and 4th line hockey player. And he can be the man who can play game or two when someone is hurt. I dont think he will grow in 45-50-55 points player. But 30-35 and decent pk minutes where he is really good player when he is only 22 today - thats what he is now. And this team need a guys like Zacha because pp competent guys needs time to rest when team play in pk. To bad we havn`t enough pp competent guys. My words isn`t about how great he is and isn`t about zacha next madden because i don`t think he is, my words are about zacha isn`t a problem for this team with his salary and his skills. This team hasn`t a decent player for hughes to grow, hasn`t backup and hasn`t 3 decent defensmen. minimum 3. And this forum debate about 3rd line player who play well in pk and had near 0.4-0.5 pts per game with wood and simmonds.
  8. They played with different players in first two lines. Madden start to play in nhl when he was 25-26, Pandolfo was 22-23 and he had worse numbers. Pandolfo never had 4 PK points. madden had same or more in his full seasons when he was 6 and more years older. Good representation comparison, good analysis of 3rd line 22yo czech guy.
  9. What`s wrong with you, guys. Zacha isn`t a flash, isn`t real decent 6th pick. But he was picked by devs, he wasnt chose to be pick. He play like 7-9 forward with decent pk minutes. He has salary of 7-9 player. He must be 8-10 in points and he is 5-10. He did his job. Did rantanen or barzal better with us? Ofcourse. But we picked Zacha and Zacha has Zacha`s salary. Copp, M Karlsson from SJ, Kerfoot, Compher, Sissons +\- age, +\- salary, pts per salary. Hall needs less games for 25 pts than Zacha. So what? Hall had 3xZacha`s salary. Every day same song "Zacha... just kill our expectations" How dare he. The man who play with corpse Wayne and the smartest guy Wood. With 2.2 KK in his pocket. May be this team really need in couple of decent guys in two first lines and couple of decent defensmen? No. 3-4 line player is guilty in all of sins. Did Jay Pandolfo was bad with his decent pk minutes and poor points?
  10. LGB! And Devils ofcourse. Detroit needs us. Needs our victory.
  11. Anyway when great democracy come to our land and people and law stayed on different side - in 90’s there were nothing really special be stabbed after games on opponents stadiums. One guy from our school was CSka fan and was stabbed on the street right after the game with spartak. one day me and my friend went home after school(I think that was 3rd or 5th grade), my friend has his team shirt, and right after the corner couple of guys two or three years older smashed our faces. No trash talk before, no bulling or even game day before. Shirt? Fist in your face. He had cska shirt. oh that was a time. I really don’t care about sh!tty soccer, but I still hate spartak, and especially spartak fans.
  12. Good day for Zacha, good day for wood. Remember that disappointment list, think about expectations. Ok. People can think wherever they want.
  13. Right. Well... let’s go, Hughes!.. ? Damn.
  14. LGD. Is a day of couple of goals by Nico? i just want to see more brights of young personalities. Buffalo, Toronto and Carolina are don’t even in top 8, and they have way better rosters. Last decade was hard and new decade willn’t be the same as fast as I wan it
  15. interesting thing that last three seasons our team was the sсorest team in all decade, and most... most goals against. Time to fix our defense and find good second goalie on short term.
  16. Could anyone analyze big picture of Stevens’s job in his assistant days with those material that he had? elias would be great mentor on regular basis for Hughes, Gusev and Nico.
  17. My massage wasn’t about how Hughes isn’t answer on his expectations, my massage was about how organization solved the question of adaptation. In the beginning of the season hall and palms start playing with Nico. And coaching and management stuff thought that small slow Russian guy without defensive skills can help in adaptation of Rookie. Surprise-surprise it didn’t work and it was a big mistake. btw Johnson is defenseman and had the same or better ppg. I really like jack, and I hope fitz can find competent winger for him.
  18. Hughes has worst numbers for all first picks of last 20 years. And I don’t think the problem is in him. Zacha has pretty same numbers as Bratt and wood plays like he played before. Something must change in nj system, and first of all - teaching and coaching. I didn’t know how fitz can fix that in the system scale. after all - thanks for all you did, shero. Goodbye, no regrets.
  19. Wow man slow down. He is our captain. anyway we have no option. We still need him in pk.
  20. Devils organization need to give loyalty contracts to Zajac and Green, first of all because there are to many our possibility future all time devs who must know and understand that it is interesting for them to be loyalty all time devs.
  21. Corey return to the line up and magic disappeared
  22. You are totally wrong. Not epico.
  23. You are creepy, man. I call the police.
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