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Jimmy Leeds

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Everything posted by Jimmy Leeds

  1. any warm feelings I had for this jerk are gone. Rot in Rangirl$ HELL. Merry Christmas http://www.nypost.com/sports/rangers/51988.htm
  2. When Lou spoke in Howell that morning a couple of months ago, the 'A'Line came up. He told the assembled masses (!) that they read too much of their press clippings. Simple as that.
  3. http://www.nypost.com/sports/devils/27571.htm Wasn't it Hatcher that laid the elbow on Sykie?
  4. ...ain't my wife a bitch....................
  5. A nice 16,500 arena would be great, so when only 11,500 show up, it won't look as bad. Actually, I shouldn't talk.
  6. Jimmy Leeds

    Game Thread

    What a Sh*tty bounce.........!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. Nice. I still think Dowd should have played Game 4 v. Detroit in '95, goal by Brylin or no goal.
  8. D21, I don't think Brylin is that bored.
  9. Brodeur has always seemed like the most normal, down to earth, likeable guy. Always has a smile. He is what a professional athlete should be.
  10. Crap. I used to like Dunham until today.
  11. Bush knew, but he needed an excuse to get oil since we aren't allowed to dig in Alaska 'cause of some moose's mating habit.
  12. people 'of' America...or people 'in' America? I'll get back to you on that one ^7^ and will stand corrected if need be. I don't mind admitting when I am factually incorrect. Clinton not only "gutted" the military, He almost killed the intelligence services.....he is responsible. Tri,....you are not "outright" Anti-American......?????????? Gotta go guys, I'm looking for a new resident for my county jail.
  13. Clinto okayed the transfer of technology to the Communists. They did not have it prior.
  14. I read what you wrote. I didn't call you anything of the sort. What I said was the US Government knows that there are plenty of anti-American zealots out there who will believe the enemy over their own country. Especially in the colleges. When our enemies crumble our buildings on our soil (I'm not including ^7^ in the 'our' group) and citizens speak out against our own government, THAT IS ANTI-AMERICAN. Your called me a "right-winger", that's name calling. Just because it's true, does that make it right?
  15. I was waiting for the two of you. Triumph........I don't thing the Administration need to convince YOU to do what is right. They know there are plenty of anti-American anarchists, especially in our universities, that would believe Hussein, Bin Laden, & Jong over our own government, no matter what they do to us. And ^7^, Jong was able to activate those nuclear power plants because Bill Clinton GAVE them the nuclear technology, at the urging of another zealot, Jimmy Carter who praised the North Koreans as 'peace loving', at a time when the Communists in North Korea were ready to crumble. But, there was Bill to save the Communists day.
  16. Read this: http://washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/...-2002Dec11.html then this: http://www.chem.ox.ac.uk/mom/vx/VX.htm Then tell me why we shouldn't bomb the hell out of Iraq.
  17. Yes I had it right (without looking at the other answers), but what was the final score of this game? I'm not even sure, but I think it was 2-2................... ..................anyone?
  18. Nice Job Zam............. .............all the best DonnaDew!
  19. Sauve versus Buffalo '88 on the road.
  20. You were in the 4th basement level? Your own little Dante's Inferno!
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