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Spectors Trade Rumors 8/29/04


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Personally, I think Niedermayer's an idiot for taking this gamble. With the uncertainty of the CBA and possibly no season, being unrestricted next summer isn't smart. He might not ever get a better deal than the one the Devils are offering.

I don't think he cares. It's no longer about the money anymore. I think he'd take less, much less, to GET THE HELL OUT OF NEW JERSEY. And he's our captain. :rolleyes:

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It would be a masterstroke if Lou could trade him for Jovonovski and Sopel, I'd be thrilled to bits with that :D

Never happen, because Nieds is unrestricted. No one has to trade for his rights, because after next season, Nieds will own his rights. So you'll never get that value back.


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Personally, I think Niedermayer's an idiot for taking this gamble. With the uncertainty of the CBA and possibly no season, being unrestricted next summer isn't smart. He might not ever get a better deal than the one the Devils are offering.

I don't think he cares. It's no longer about the money anymore. I think he'd take less, much less, to GET THE HELL OUT OF NEW JERSEY. And he's our captain. :rolleyes:

You're right, Don. He just wants to leave. I'm glad his agent said he was going to become a UFA after this contract year this early. I'm sure some of it comes from the old contract battles with Lou, but he was offered a very generous long-term contract, which he may not get whenever he finally does become a UFA after all this CBA mess is settled. He doesn't want to stay. I prefer that he say it now instead of giving us some hope that he wants to stick around long-term.

If Stevens isn't here whenever next season is, and Nieds is here (depending when they start it and what the CBA rules say about UFA age and current contracts) I'd prefer to have us get another captain. One who actually wants to be here. Like Madden.

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Everyone calm down! Did you see where Spector got his information? From (N)Єverson's article in the Post! Not exactly a reliable source. If Niedermeyer leaves when he's a UFA, he leaves. I'm not going to fret all year about it. The players always say they don't worry about what they can't control. Perhaps by this point next year, I'll be following other things, if the players and owners can't agree on anything.

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it might be (N)Єverson, but its not like he is pulling this out of no where, i think we all kinda have thought this was a possibility and now that someone with a lil bit of credibility is saying it, it confirms worst fears. ofcourse that depends how u define worst fears cuz ill be glad to see him go

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I am not a big fan of having a forward be Captain.

But I am not sure who I would want to be wearing the C next year.

Too me no one stands out.

A Captain should characterize the teams personalty, Stevens, Yzerman and Hatcher in Dallas all gave their teams a winning identity.

We don't have that here.

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yeah, if stevens and nieds leave, its Captain Elias, A Madden, and the other A, oh lets say...Rafalski, nonono, Brylin, wait, Rafalski again, nono, oh never mind

That's actually an interesting question and something me and a friend were talking over a few weeks ago. It would seem to me Elias would have to be captain because Madden's not even an A, not often you see a C given to someone that's never been an A, plus Elias has shown leadership capabilities over the last year plus anyway. Madden probably would become an A. The other A, well the Devils have good forward candidates (Pando, Brylin, etc) but you really wanna have a defenseman be at least one of your 'leaders'. It's obviously not going to be Hale or Martin and it's probably not going to be nutso Whitey :lol: So that really leaves B-Raf or Matvichuk, and Matvichuk hasn't played a game with the team yet.

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