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I just converted...


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So, I guess you can't repent on your deathbed huh?

Well you can, you just have mean it. Like if you had an epiphany and realized what you had done was wrong and you knew you could/would never do such bad things again and that you need and want God's love in your life you could still get in on your death bed.


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That was covered on page 1. Pay attention!! :P

Seriously, check the link on my post at the bottom of the first page in this thread. Supposedly, Jeffery Dahmer, one of the most brutal seriel killers ever, is now laying back in heaven. On the other hand, according to the Bible, lots of very good people are going to rot in hell.

Be a mass murderer and rapist, say your sorry, believe in God and you're in.

Sacrifice your whole life helping others (to get off me as an example), there is a girl I know that has a psych degree and could be making big bucks as a shrink, but rather has decided to spend her life working at a salvation army homeless shelter - she does everything from helping out at the clothing store, counciling those that want to get off the streets, and helping people get into rehab if they are on drugs or alcoholics. Sometimes they can afford to put her on payroll, other times they cannot so she works there for free. She gets by - barely. I've been by her place - her 13in TV has rabbit ears (as in no cable). Furniture was given to her by friends... but its all seen better days. When I'm over there, I feel guilty for having the things that I do considering she plays a more important role in society than I do.

However, she, as me, is an athiest, so she's going straight to hell.

Edited by Don
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Can you sin all your life, then repent and still get into Heaven?  If so, that's quite the loophole!


You got it Sammy, as long as you truly in your heart believe it.


Thats what i was taught in the catholic schools... they didnt want u to sin, and u had to repent your sins.. and even after sinning if u repented to God up in purgatory, u got into the pearly gates....

but were all Devils fans here so who knows where that puts us!! God doesnt accept fans of the Devils, we are all going down!

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Can you sin all your life, then repent and still get into Heaven?  If so, that's quite the loophole!


God looks at your heart, and your willingness to change.

soooo in order to get into heaven, if you belive in christianty, you have to confess your sins and repent to jesus or something yadda yadda yadda... so my question is, where do retarded people go, kids who are too young to understand confessing, babies, tribes of people who are too uncivillized in parts of the world to find religion, or what about animals? or is heaven jsut reserved for those of us intellegent enough to speak?

and i dont wanna drag hitler into this, and i wanna avoud godwin's law as much as possible, but say evil people as said, truly were sorry for they're sins, do they get to goto heaven while other memebers of society i listed above dont?

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After you die and u face God.. dont blame him if He chooses for u guys who do not beleive to go to Hell. I am sorry for being blunt but that is ABSOLUTE truth. Here is your warning from God! Be careful .. your eternity depends on it..

and how are you so sure that this is the ABSOLUTE TRUTH because the book written by people you dont know thousands of years ago said so???

edit: i would like your response to both my posts please

Edited by squishyx
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After you die and u face God.. dont blame him if He chooses for u guys who do not beleive to go to Hell. I am sorry for being blunt but that is ABSOLUTE truth. Here is your warning from God! Be careful .. your eternity depends on it..

and how are you so sure that this is the ABSOLUTE TRUTH because the book written by people you dont know thousands of years ago said so???

edit: i would like your response to both my posts please

Hey buddy, Its all about FAITH.

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this is so funny...

started out with a little FYI and ended with a huge debate...


But undaimee, this is what happens when there is no hockey. :D

You did people a favor. ;)

Just let the debate rage on, get yourself some popcorn, sit back and observe the fun!!!


btw, I apologize for thinking you were a woman, not a man. Don't know why I got that impression. But for some reason I did.

And you shouldn't feel sorry that you told us you converted. It is a big thing in your life. The thing is, religion and God are big topics and it was bound to spark some conversation, and thus debate on the board. Being the bunch that we are, it was bound to spark THIS. And most of it has been OK...even kind of interesting, there have just been some rough spots.

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Then why do you keep mentioning Godwin's Law?

so it's never used as a response to my posts again

Why does it matter to you so much that you hafta make yourself look silly by mentioning it each and every time? I doubt Puddy even cares at this point.

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Why does it matter to you so much that you hafta make yourself look silly by mentioning it each and every time? I doubt Puddy even cares at this point.

i'm not taking a shot at Puddy, im taking a shot at Godwin's Law and how it's the stupidest thing i've read on these boards in my short stay here...

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