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  1. Have the Devils scored a goal with goalie pulled that mattered? I know they have when down 2.
  2. That looked like a goal at first.
  3. That's just not close to acceptable.
  4. My daughter just said Marino looked like an NPC on that goal
  5. The first few years after Lou left was a wasteland of awful. The team had nothing. This isn't that, it's a different sort of frustration.
  6. Holtz should be benched for that.
  7. Not practically. It's a Rangers home game in almost every way.
  8. Anyone with directv have a really choppy picture issue?
  9. Bratt's barely counts, it was an empty netter.
  10. When the best example is from baseball that's a really bad sign.
  11. Can you think of a series where a team looked as bad as the Devils at home and come back to win?
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