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hystyk28 last won the day on December 8 2014

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  1. hystyk28

    It’s Keefe

    Another guy I thought would be good fit was John Stevens.
  2. hystyk28

    It’s Keefe

    I am still trying to find out if the job was ever offered to Chief. The previous conversation I had gave me the impression that he wasn't in a position to accept an offer since their wasn't one.
  3. I am still trying to find out if the job was ever offered to Chief. The previous conversation I had gave me the impression that he wasn't in a position to accept an offer since their wasn't one.
  4. I am not so sure Berube was in a position to even accept an offer from the Devil's. They seem to be waiting on Keefe who has wavered on what he wants to do.
  5. Of course they want to play...they like to hockey...I like my team's star players to be healthy while under contract...especially ones with term. Worlds is usually viewed as a free trip to Europe by NA players.
  6. 100% the analytic department carries enormous influence with the team; otherwise not sure we would even be discussing Woodcroft. If that hire happens, I fully expect the goaltending situation to stay very familiar. I think Berube played his cards well and really is inflating his price. It just comes down to destination. I think his latest talks with Winnipeg is just to squeeze out any other favorable terms he can get from...from Toronto. Maybe the Devils will try and match as Newark is a is very favorable locale. I just think the Leafs are going all in with $$$ and with the appeal of it being an original 6 and the glory that comes with a possible Cup in TO, it may just be too much for Chief to pass up. Don't discount that he played for the Flyers when the Devils were a rival. These things matter. Hell, I am pretty, pretty sure it was at least a consideration of Gaudreau not coming here.
  7. Glad he is OK, but as I stated before the risk outweighs the reward. He is a franchise player, losing him to this horsesh!t hockey would put the Devils in a worse spot than they already are in.
  8. I would say Chief in Toronto should be announced within 36 hours. Once that happens I would expect Keefe to be announced on NJ.
  9. Yeah, makes no sense to me if I am small market team...it defeats the system in place that has created parity. There must be some loud voices keeping it in place.
  10. The reason they don't play is it is high risk, low reward. Quite honestly, I don't want any Devils playing in the Worlds due to risk of injury. Nico should not play IMO.
  11. I think the opposite based on what has already been discussed by those involved. https://www.sportsnet.ca/nhl/article/nhl-gms-not-eager-to-close-ltir-loophole-despite-perceived-abuses/
  12. If he stays through his senior season then you run the risk of losing him as a UFA. Huge concern on my end.
  13. This is exactly what the analytic department is saying to Fitzy when regarding trading assets for a goalie, especially one that will eat up a chunk of cap room. I am not in disagreement necessarily with it either. However, the goalies we had though just deflated this team. Not all goals are are equal and it seemed that there were a lot more savable goals from our tendy's. Although, let's be honest the team D stinks and is a major factor as well. Not sure, as this roster is constructed, that the "big fish" goaltenders out there will be enough to right the ship, as this team has gaping holes throughout the lineup. Personally, I would rather have a Jake Allen with an upgraded D and keep Holtz and Mercer. Let's find a way to deal with Palat, say IR or dump in San Jose/ANH for picks. D-men that you would need to get more creative with regarding cap space would be Pesci/Hanafin. That creativity could be in moving Hamilton. Tougher to do coming off this season, but maybe Dougie had his fill of area museums and would like to move to another location. You aren't winning anything with him on the roster IMHO, especially when you plan to ice Hughes/Nemec and possibly Casey. If we could get 2 players for nearly his cap hit, that would help this team tremendously. If all else fails, maybe a trade for Erik Gubranson, I am sure he would like out of that mess in CBJ. Let's trade for Gudas, although I bet NJ is on that 16 no trade list. You can send Siegenthaler back in that deal. Keep Schmid and Daws in A and maybe sign Stoli the Goalie, although not sure what price tag that might come with. The bottom 6 can be tinkered with, but the top 6 needs a shooter. If they could land Victor Olofsson that could be the shooter Jack needs. He has had a down season and a bunch of health bombs, so maybe that leads to discount shopping with him. Maybe Tatar on league minimum for 2 years is better than a Tierney on the 4th line, as long as he has buy in to his role of bottom 6. Another guy i would look at is Nick Foligno. Maybe bring Colin Miller back. I know a lot of spit ballin' in this post and admittedly I have not looked that closely at our cap situation moving forward. I think we do gain some cap space with the total going up a bit and Schneider's hit finally being gone. With all that said, this team really needs more than tinkering in my opinion and a mini overhaul is needed to make this a playoff threat. (Could this team ever beat Carolina?) Fitzy needs to think outside the box and if the front office just wants a goalie and 1 top 6 forward and leave the rest as is, then this team will be right around where it finished this year.
  14. We will see, but don't be surprised to see Berube take a front office job with the Flyer's. You have been warned. The offer to coach in NJ, now here I am guessing...will have to be substantial to have him consider it.
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