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dmann422 last won the day on September 28 2017

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  1. So so so satisfying that the odd man rush for haula’s goal was a trouba’s fault
  2. Palat earned his entire contract in one shift there
  3. Oh agreed, I just know some people who when presented with a choice between a so-so english show and and great foreign language show would choose the former. But I was able to get my parents (whose typical fare is more the Downton Abbey crowd) into Dark so that should tell you that anyone can do it! Yeah for Dark I really appreciated the subtitles because it forced me to focus on the show and it's a show that needs a lot of attention, there's so many details you can miss. Plus the german actors are just amazing in that and the dub does them a disservice.
  4. For TV shows, lots of great ones mentioned throughout the thread but I will add 4 "non-mainstream" shows I've enjoyed that I haven't seen mentioned: Nathan for You - docu-reality "prank" series. Prank is in quotes because most of the time the butt of the joke is the host. Much of it is very cringe-inducing comedy so you have to like that but I have never laughed harder at a TV show than this one. The finale is a two hour episode that might be one of the best two hours of TV I have ever seen. DARK - Netflix Sci-fi show. One of the best time-travel paradox stories I've ever seen. In addition to the sci-fi aspect there is real character/family dynamics. Season 1 is imo on par with the best of Breaking Bad or Sopranos. Very rare to have a sci-fi show where the entire plot is planned and buttoned up in 3 seasons. The catch is it's german-language which will put a lot of ppl off but the subtitles are so worth it, better than the english dub. Detectorists- British comedy by Mackenzie Crook (the Jim character from the original office) about the metal detecting hobby. Can't think of a better light-hearted, feel-good, relaxing show for the stress of quarantine. Very easy to binge, but you have to like british humor. Ramy- Comedy/drama written by and starring a guy who grew up in Rutherford area (it's set in NJ) about his experience as a muslim. I'm a catholic school kid around the same age and I find it really interesting. I haven't started season 2 yet but I think it's gotten good reviews...
  5. Agreed, absolutely the worst time to look to cash in on a big contract, there is so much uncertainty in what future revenues will look like that I cannot fathom he would get anywhere near what he would have gotten just 6 months ago. He rolled the dice and will lose as a result.
  6. define "soon". Everything that we have seen in other countries is the best case scenario is the curve flattens in May. Again it's not just mortality rate that you have to consider, its the ease at which the virus is transmitted, how many are asymptomatic/transmitting without knowing it and the incredibly high rate that requires hospitalization. Singapore just re-instituted a lockdown today because they ended theirs too early and saw a second wave. We can't make the same mistake.
  7. My wife and I are both working from home, we have a 2 year old who we just so happened to start potty training last month so... its alot, I definitely understand the no 8-5, its just impossible unless you just sit him in front of the tv for 6 hours. Biggest issue for me is all of the middle aged folks who don't know how to mute their damn mics on ZOOM, or have speakers on and we get terrible feedback. Other than that the commute is nice
  8. Everything I read makes me think a return to any sort of normalcy will be way longer off than Summer. A week ago that may have seemed like a possibility but with the way this is trending I just cannot see how any crowds will be cleared before Fall at the earliest. I'm sure leagues are already coming up with contingency plans for next season because imo the best case scenario is opening night is played as scheduled but with no fans in attendance. At least that's what I have in my head and maybe I'll be pleasantly surprised.
  9. As some have said on here the majority of Shero's roster moves were not bad, his biggest mistake was sticking with Hynes too long. Fitz's biggest decision (or whoever the GM is at that point) will be appointing the new coaching staff. That will have the biggest impact on the development of Hughes, Nico and the other young guys, so they better get it right.
  10. Seems like a pretty fair deal considering all of the factors. Obviously not ideal but i'm happy we can move forward. I'll be rooting for Arizona and Hall this season regardless of the pick status, they kind of remind me of us in that there were questions regarding finances and possible relocation so I'm glad they can inject some excitement and hopefully make a good run.
  11. I will still believe this team can turn it around, just too much talent out there not to. LGD.
  12. I like Cangi, he's come a long way from when he first got the gig and had an impossible job of following up one of the greatest that ever did it. Then they threw Dano at him (who also has come a long way himself) and the duo has gotten stronger over time. I give them both a lot of credit, in past years when I subscribed to gamecenter (now nhltv) it's amazing how poor some of the broadcasting teams are around the league. (cough penguins cough)
  13. got no problem with sitting gusev again, defense and goaltending is our weakness and he helps with neither.
  14. Boo all you want, you have the right. My argument against would be one thing this team lacks now it's confidence (judging by the continuous blowing of leads) and average goaltending. Booing helps neither and will only contribute more towards the former.
  15. Man I feel so old reading through these comments. I understand we're passionate fans but geez take a deep breath. I had to listen to the radio broadcast last night and Chico was staunchly defending Schnieder even after the game... sounds like it was normal Chico homerism by the looks of it here At this point I think we just need to ride with Blackwood, even if it gets ugly at least there is a chance of him figuring it out and having a player in him for he future. Halls comments are rough but I understand where he's coming from, it;s not like the players aren't giving effort, just some unfortunate breaks and poor goaltending. I still think they'll figure it out, it's a long season to go. LGD
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