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2ELIAS6 last won the day on September 4 2023

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About 2ELIAS6

  • Birthday September 9

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  1. What a fvcking joke man. What’d he do trip over a stick? Isn’t Nemec hurt as well?
  2. That is good to know his family will be ok financially.
  3. Yea I lost mine last night and couldn’t get it to reconnect. I’m in rockland county, NY. My cable worked but no internet.
  4. You have to think that Fitz has to seriously look into this, no? I mean with having our two guys already set up in goal though how would we even do it? Doesn’t sound like he wants to play in the ahl period.
  5. I’m not a huge fan of the certain types of people the boardwalk sometimes attract anymore so with that I tend to stay away from it.. atleast at night anyway. Really, I never leave crest I just think it’s a lot cleaner, more family oriented and overall nicer than the north part of the island. Next time you go down check out dog tooth bar and grill, didn’t get the chance to go there yet this year but it was always one of my favorites
  6. Love wildwood, it’s my happy place. I’ve been going down my whole life and about four years ago my family bought a condo in Laquinta towers.
  7. Yea it’s a shame really. I have ten on, ten to go. I feel like I sound ridiculous or age myself when I say this but even from when I started 10 years ago it’s changed so much. No one wants to get involved in doing anything more then they have to at this point and that in itself is what’s really sad. The people that are effected the most are the tax paying citizens that deserve a certain level of service.
  8. I’m not sure where you’re from but I’m in Rockland County (NY) .. if you’re not familiar it’s the first county into NY that borders Bergen county.
  9. I’ve got 10 more to go, can’t wait to call this a day. Sadly, everyone I know in this profession feels the same way.
  10. Burgers and dogs baby, maybe toss in a couple spicy sausage links
  11. The palat deal just sucks. He’s such a likable guy his play just isn’t what it should be for a contract like he has. I don’t foresee anyone wanting to take that on, but who knows.
  12. Let’s see how that goes over
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