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adavid last won the day on October 25 2014

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  • Location
    North Carolina
  • Interests
    Good Beer
    Good Coffee
    The Devils

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Assistant Coach (7/11)



  1. Congrats to Marty. Looking forward to more Enterprise commercials
  2. If they could just start the games an hour earlier. That's all I ask. I have to get up early.
  3. meh, I saw this thread and had to reply. Haven't been here in awhile. You may remember me as "NCDevsFan". ( Now I sound like Troy McClure). Not sure when my display name got changed. lol. Anyway, I didn't want to spend the money on Center Ice and such so its been a few years since I have seen a Devs game on TV. Still catch them when I can against the Candy Canes and usually sit behind their bench. I guess that sort of makes me bandwagon. Happy to see them playing better. Anyone down here in NC? Hit me up and we'll catch them when they come to town. If you remember me, Howdy. If not, well, Hello!
  4. The best part is they are fun to watch again. Its been ahwile.
  5. Ah cool. Thanks for the explanation!
  6. So help a dumb guy here. What is the implication of that stat? IOW, why is that important?
  7. Their PK is near the bottom. They stay in games by not taking penalties, because they realty suck at killing them. You can't pin the number of goals they have given up entirely on the goal-tending. I guess not taking a penalties should be commended, but regardless, not sure I would say they are really good. But I guess that its all relative.
  8. The Canes announcers called it a devasting loss. Surprised to hear that at this point in the season, but they were really hoping the Canes would win 3 in a row.
  9. I liked the TSN announcers. Easier on the ears.
  10. It sure looked like a tooth. But yea, it could be anything I guess. I was white with blood on one end... lol
  11. I was there. 7 rows behind the Devs bench. I would say half the fans were rooting for the Devils. The crowd was not that big. By the 3rd , most left were Devils fans. I heard more "Lets go Devils" , then "Lets go Canes" I sat in a row with Devils fans. Nice group. Canes fans were around us, but everyone was very cordial. The TooTooth Fight was right in front of us. Malone's tooth went out and up with some blood. Gelly picked it up and handed it to the Canes bench. We couldn't stop laughing. Even the Canes fans were cracking up. Poor Canes, tried to get something going with a fight and look even worse afterwards. The Gelly hit on that dude on the board and the goal followed took the air out of the Canes and the fans. The Devs looked fresh and really fast. Nice change of pace. There was a blond sitting a few rows in front of us. Gionta kept stealing looks at her. That was entertaining.
  12. Who are these guys!?!!? Great game.
  13. Fun game to watch. We actually won a coach's challenge!
  14. He was trying for another 5 min major with his stick spearing. Luckily it was feeble. What's up with that.
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