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Obligatory Game Thread Florida at NJ


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It was a bad game for most of the players and I think the coach wanted to keep changing lines which was bad. So don't trade anyone yet cause there is nothing to trade.

Lou should have traded Danton without being vindictive, get him out of here and get something even if it's a draft choice.

Lou's out to lunch with this team for this season. He's made some bad trades in the past which created this mess.

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You know, Elias is gonna have to stop talking about his comfort level.

Cause EVERY time he says something about getting comfortable with a linemate, Burns takes said person off his line...

Personally I got a little worried that Elias was talking about Bicek making him more comfortable rather than the other way around.

A lot of people have to pick up their scoring though in general, Elias, Niewy (1 goal in like 25 games now) and Friesen for starters.

Well, the question posed to Elias is about HIS comfort... and not Bicek's... so the answer coming from him is going to be about that.

Of course no one's not gonna agree that we could use some scoring from our scorers.

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It was a necessary trade, so it's hard for me to say it looks bad..

Friesen wasn't dealt straight up for Sykora, so comparing the two is erroneous.. we knew full well Friesen wasn't going to replace the Sykora of the A-line.. what we had hoped was that he would replace the 2002 Sykora's numbers.. he hasn't really done that, but neither has any other offensive Devil..

Tverdovsky has not been outstanding, but he has not been horrid either. Seems to me to be a streaky player, though.

I'm hoping the Devils will make a minor move in the next two weeks.. maybe they'd actually have a full roster of 23 players. Moving Danton or Bicek, something like that.

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the problem is we've won too many of these bad games, I hope the players don't have a false sense of security because they are going to get demolished in the playoffs unless some drastic measures are taken (ex- Lou invents a time machine undoes all his bonehead moves)

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Didn't say they'd bring any more than a pick necessarily, but I'd still like either of them gone.. plus acquiring a player on waivers usually means waiving one yourself. The Devils haven't made a move all year.

Most of the players know what it takes to win in the playoffs and they know it will take more than this. But I hardly think they would get demolished in the playoffs.. because they won't be playing like this when the playoffs roll around.

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the problem is we've won too many of these bad games, I hope the players don't have a false sense of security because they are going to get demolished in the playoffs unless some drastic measures are taken (ex- Lou invents a time machine undoes all his bonehead moves)

It's so bizarre.

When the bad games come... I think to myself ohhhhh, this looks exceedingly bad and the holes are obvious.

When the good games come... it's like we're fine, everything's cool.

We have talent here. We do not NOT have the talent.

I really would have liked us to blow open a bit, get some guys who needed goals them today.

I guess they're waiting until they come down here next week. :)

Lou's bonehead moves comments never fail to amuse me. He's gotten us a Cup in the last three years with his bonehead moves. He sucks.

Lou makes moves for team consistency. It's apparently sooooooooo easy for us to look at scoring sheets and forget things that were happening beyond that.

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Waldo (Friesen) I'm begining to believe was a mistake by Lam's.

Yep. Time to declare him a bust after 30-some games.

Fire Lou.

...ahhhh CRAP I just broke the needle on my Sarcasm-O-Meter with that one. Damnation.

IG: Read my original post again. It says I'm beginning to believe Waldo was a mistake. Judging from your reaction, I didn't make myself clear enough. What I meant to say was Waldo gets no more slack from me. In my mind, he has 5 more games to get it together, then........ I dunno.

You're right, maybe it is gonna take this guy as long to get accustomed to his new team as Selanne did with the Sharks. But there has got to be a point where getting accustomed simply can NOT be used an excuse anymore.

Waldo's rapidly reaching that point with me.

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Well, I got the score right, even if I didn't call the dev's goal-scorer nor the lack of OT.

Waldo (Friesen) I'm begining to believe was a mistake by Lam's.

Congratulations. Enjoy your little celebration.

Well soooorrrrryyyy. I forgot to include this smiley ---> :huh:

Ergo, no "little celebration. Have a Happy F***ing New Year.

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Could we be seeing the return of Bilbo anytime soon?

what's funny is i'm kind of the opposite of the user bilbo but in real life good friends call me bilbo as a sign of affection... real name is bill

in lou we HAVE TO trust, or our lives as devils fans will be unhappy

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Friesen to me has until the All-Star break to prove himself. He is doing nothing with the talent & speed he has. He has improved but still isn't doing anything with it. For anyone to say he needs better linemates or whatever, well that can only go so far, for any Devil. You either have the talent to make it happen or you don't; work with what you have.

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Well soooorrrrryyyy. I forgot to include this smiley ---> :huh:

Ergo, no "little celebration. Have a Happy F***ing New Year.

Doesn't matter, my sentiment would have still been the same.

You really should expect more from your team against a team like a Panthers. And personally, I think predicting losses is ridiculous but I'm not into the prediction game.

And lastly, lovely f'n sentiment from a board non-regular. Right back at you.

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Oh, I see... Predictions are beneath you but making comments on others' isn't. Very nice. Maybe you wouldn't be the recipient of such lovely f'n sentiments if you didn't act so superior.

You really should expect more from your team against a team like a Panthers.

This comment just proves how much you underestimate the level of play in the NHL. Just because the Panthers possess a sub-par record doesn't mean it is an easy win. There are no easy wins.

Lastly, I am a regular here. I just prefer to lurk more than post. This thread here is a perfect illustration as to why. Nothing like being subjected to the superior and elitist attitudes on something so innocuous as hockey predictions. Jeez all I did was make an innocent prediction where I thought the Devils scoring woes were going to continue into a classic "let-down" game. Then, I wanted to mildly correct someone when they posted how "sucky" we all are at predictions because I actually got it somewhat right. Now it has turned into this.


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