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The gold medal soccer game was great. It went to extra time. In the second one, Abby Wambach headed in the winner on a perfectly executed corner kick from Kristine Lilly in the 112th minute. From there, they played smart ball and contained Brazil.

Brazil tied it in the late stages of regulation and had two golden opportunities to win but hit two posts.

Congrats USA on taking the gold :clap::dance:!!!!!

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It was great to see our American runners maintain their composure over an ugly delay to their race. The fans were out of line booing and whistling. If they wanted to blame someone, blame their own runner for skipping the drug test.

As I predicted, Crawford took the gold. He didn't even get out well. But he really picked it up and looked as strong as ever at the finish. Congrats to him!

Also want to give props to the first ever Israeli to win gold on Wednesday. That was a great ceremony too. Very uplifting. Take a bow!

Also, congrats to our gold and silver medalists in the men's long jump!

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Also want to give props to the first ever Israeli to win gold on Wednesday. That was a great ceremony too. Very uplifting. Take a bow!

The one who won it for sailing, right? I saw that on Olympic late night last night (or rather, early this morning I suppose). Very touching. Gave me the chills to see him singing his anthem loud and proud. GOod stuff.

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The one who won it for sailing, right? I saw that on Olympic late night last night (or rather, early this morning I suppose). Very touching. Gave me the chills to see him singing his anthem loud and proud. GOod stuff.

Yes RoughDraft. That's the one ;). I really got emotional seeing that. It's great for Israel.

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I just saw an interview with Paul Hamm.. he left before closing ceremonies.. he said it has nothign to do with the controversy.. he had already planned to come home early.. but now people are giving him a hard time saying he bailed out cause he knows he doesnt deserve the gold.. i feel bad for him.

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USA basketball loses to Argentina... no gold this year.. I thought they played a terrible second half.. i only saw the second so i cant say how the beginning looked!

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You're right langsgirl. They just didn't execute and played terrible defense. Argentina was able to get any shot they wanted off those screens. Ginobli played great for them. He really is some player.

What was sad was Duncan getting cheap fouls. A couple were questionable. But overall, the officiating was brutal both ways. It's been that way the whole tournament. I don't think our players ever adjusted to that.

I am not happy with Brown. He hardly played LeBron James. James was a really good player when he got in. To hardly use him in a game like today's was ridiculous. You have to give your team the best chance to win. James would have given them that.

Bottom line. Argentina deserved it.

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I agree argentina deserved it... i couldnt believe at the end when USA smacked the argentinian in the face and they didnt call a foul..the ref was right there looking at it and the guy got knocked down by it.. i know USA didnt do it on purpose he was trying to smack the ball.. but please call the foul lol...

I was very sad when i heard that herrmenn gguy on Argentina had some tragedy in his life... they said in a year span he lost his mom, dad, younger sister and fiance... can u imagine... losing one close person is impossible.. thats just heartbreaking :( Im glad he was able to move on the the gold medal round :)

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The bigger upset occured in the second semifinal. Italy pulled off the upset of the tournament beating Lithuania. I couldn't believe how great these guys shot the ball. They were hitting three's all over the court with guys hands in their faces. This was as wild a game as I have ever seen. Lithuania was up 11 and then Italy ran off 21 straight points :blink:. Then in the fourth quarter, Lithuania ran off 14 straight points to open up a 7-8 point lead. But Italy came right back and took over. And the shots that were made were incredible.

That was basketball at its finest.

All that being said, Argentina plays Italy for the gold while surprisingly, it's Team USA against Lithuania battling for bronze.

Why do I have a feeling we now won't medal?

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Derek: Yer own citizens are cheering against the "Dream Team". You don't expect other nations to do the same? :P

We're now up to 9 medals. US has almost 90. I guess we're on track given that we have 10% of the population of the US, but usually we have a lot more.... we should pick up at least two more overnight as there are kayaking finals around 5am our time....

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For me personally, I can't root against my country. I saw those guys trying as hard as they could. Sometimes, things don't go as planned. They had a bad game today and lost. But the opponent was why. That's where I tip my cap.

I don't get any joy from seeing our participants lose. They know how disappointing it is because of the expectations. Which btw sometimes are just too much. The media is like vultures. They expect us to win everything.

Just now was a perfect example. They showed the 4X100 women's relay and things didn't go well for the Americans. Our first two runners ran excellent legs. But when Marion Jones tried to handoff the baton to young Lauryn Williams, Williams left a little early. And unfortunately for them, they never got the exchange and did not finish the race.

And instead of the announcers remembering that there was still a race happening, they got off tangent and sounded very upset by the event and didn't have a smooth finish to who won. It turned out to be Jamaica.

That is inexcusable. Sure, they're there to broadcast and portray our athletes in the best way possible. But when it doesn't go our way, it's not an excuse for sounding angry and not informing viewers what else happened in the race because there were two legs left.

That's not right.

I felt badly for all four of our women because they had to do an interview after that. And they handled themselves very well much like LeBron James did earlier today when he hardly played.

I wish our broadcasters were as professional as our athletes. They do us proud. Some of the people that cover them don't.

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Derek - in terms of broadcasters, you can't beat Rod Black:

Sydney Olympics, Canadian swimmer finished 4th in his race:

"On your mother's deathbed you promised her you would bring a medal back to Canada and you failed to do that. How do you feel right now?"

Edited by Don
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The IOC Chairman (?) said it best in an interview yesterday. He said if this were a soccer game and there was a bad call they aren't going to go back and change it the next day, and that the result of the game would stand. This would be no different as the judge made a mistake and that it wasn't anything like the figure skating controversy of 2002 where the judge intentionally commited the error. The judge screwed up, sh!t happens.

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I cannot believe the Paul Hamm medal spat is still ongoing. If I am the USOC I tell South Korea that Hamm will give back the medal when they convince Russia to give us our men's basketball gold medal from 1972.

Also, if I'm Hamm I'm kinda upset everyone realizes the Korean's start score was too low but no one cares that he didn't get an equal deduction for having too many holds in his routine.


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I cannot believe the Paul Hamm medal spat is still ongoing. If I am the USOC I tell South Korea that Hamm will give back the medal when they convince Russia to give us our men's basketball gold medal from 1972.

Also, if I'm Hamm I'm kinda upset everyone realizes the Korean's start score was too low but no one cares that he didn't get an equal deduction for having too many holds in his routine.


Right, he shouldn't have to give back anything and at this point the Korean shouldn't even get a second gold medal. Of course the media wants contreversy so they hound this poor kid - never mind he ACTUALLY DID deserve the gold because of what you said.

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I like how the president of FIG tried to send a letter to Hamm asking him to give up the gold medal to show sportsmanship and the USOC intercepted it and like just wrecked them telling them to stop trying to fix their mistakes by making Hamm make the decision... which is true.. i dont think Hamm should have to decide anything.. unless they tell him he has to.. i think he should keep it!

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I like how the president of FIG tried to send a letter to Hamm asking him to give up the gold medal to show sportsmanship and the USOC intercepted it and like just wrecked them telling them to stop trying to fix their mistakes by making Hamm make the decision... which is true.. i dont think Hamm should have to decide anything.. unless they tell him he has to.. i think he should keep it!

Right, and Hamm is rightfully saying, "Screw you, I'm not going to share my medal to fix one of your mistakes, when the other mistake you don't want to talk about still makes me the undisputed winner." The more I think about the more I feel bad for Hamm, his Gold will always be unfairly tainted. Even if the public forgets he will probably deep down always think everyone feels that way.


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