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My wasted vote...


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Well, I cast my wasted, useless ballot this morning for Forrester, millionaire #2. I say wasted because I think we all knew a year ago when Corizine announced he would be buying this election that the fools of NJ would just continue to pull the democratic lever at the booths today, regardless of how much they steal, how much they cheat, how many hacks they appoint to no-show $100k jobs, how many taxes they raise and how many empty promises they make.

At least tell me that you all voted NO on the Lt. Governor question. I mean, do we really need another 6-figure political appointee, with a full staff and office budget, and absolutely no defined duties (or, when they finally come up with duties, it's just something that some other department already was doing) for the rare occurances when our governor announces he's gay and appointed his lover to a high level post and must now resign. Gee, that's happened what, once now in the history of the world. Yeah, we need to waste some more money on another appointed hack of the party bosses.

It really is sad that elections go to the wealthy now. I would have voted for Codey over Forrester, but alas, his personal fortune did not rival Corizine's, so he was pushed to the side so the party bosses and union heads could get a bigger payday. I can't wait to leave the Garbage State. NJ and You, Perfect Together, as long as you've got enough money to buy political favors.

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Well, I cast my wasted, useless ballot this morning for Forrester, millionaire #2.  I say wasted because I think we all knew a year ago when Corizine announced he would be buying this election that the fools of NJ would just continue to pull the democratic lever at the booths today, regardless of how much they steal, how much they cheat, how many hacks they appoint to no-show $100k jobs, how many taxes they raise and how many empty promises they make.

At least tell me that you all voted NO on the Lt. Governor question.  I mean, do we really need another 6-figure political appointee, with a full staff and office budget, and absolutely no defined duties (or, when they finally come up with duties, it's just something that some other department already was doing) for the rare occurances when our governor announces he's gay and appointed his lover to a high level post and must now resign.  Gee, that's happened what, once now in the history of the world.  Yeah, we need to waste some more money on another appointed hack of the party bosses.

It really is sad that elections go to the wealthy now.  I would have voted for Codey over Forrester, but alas, his personal fortune did not rival Corizine's, so he was pushed to the side so the party bosses and union heads could get a bigger payday.  I can't wait to leave the Garbage State.  NJ and You, Perfect Together, as long as you've got enough money to buy political favors.


all politicians are corrupt, not just republicans. the options are this: a) get screwed by person x or b) get screwed by person y. it makes no difference.

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I voted for Corzine (obviously), not that I think he will be a great governor but certainly better than Rove's pal Forrester. I think we will see Codey again, it would not surprise me if Corzine names him to fill his Senate seat (assuming Corzine wins) and he runs on his own in 2006.

I did vote against the Lt. Gov position as I don't think it serves any real purpose.

Edited by PeteyNice
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For a laugh read the Gubernatorial statement that the socialist worker party wrote. For one I found a lot of the things they want way as either ridiculous, beyong the scope of governorship, or way out of mainstream. The strangest one was "fight cop brutality", did they not think police officer sounded more polished? Cop is not something I would put into something professional.

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I voted for Corzine (obviously), not that I think he will be a great governor but certainly better than Rove's pal Forrester. I think we will see Codey again, it would not surprise me if Corzine names him to fill his Senate seat (assuming Corzine wins) and he runs on his own in 2006.

I did vote against the Lt. Gov position as I don't think it serves any real purpose.


At least we can agree on that petey - even if you are too liberal (lol :uni: )

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I, unfortunately, won't be voting...I've been too busy to actually pay attention to either canidates so it would be a very uneducated vote. Besides as most have mentioned its either get screwed by person a or person b....i do think a donkey would hurt less though :D Anyway all I know about either guy is that Forrester is trying to halt the Newark Arena building for the Devs so that might be enough for me just to go vote Corzine anyway!

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I wrote in for Richard Codey. I haven't voted for a major party candidate for governor in 15-20 years. What happened to that one-eyed guy from Passaic who used to run?

I voted against both public questions- the Lt Gov and the tax allocation. The last thing we need is someone else to suck political contributions out of pockets, and I like the way things are going with Codey. It strikes me as a parliamentary system where the governor is from the ruling party works pretty well. At least we know who to blame when things go wrong.

As far as tusing the Corp Business tax to fund environmental initiatives, I think the legislature has to work up enough guts and raise the income tax back to where it was before Whitman started putting teh state in a fiscal blackhole.

And that is my 2cents

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I voted for Libertarian candidate for governor. Not that I agree with all of his view, it's just the largest party other than Republicrats and Dempublicans. We need a third party, Dems and Reps are the same fuсking thing...

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I just got back from voting. Before I went I was on the phone with my Dad (had to talk to him about plans for Thanksgiving, Mom isn't well enough to travel this time so I'm going there this year). I told him I had to go vote for ONE of these bozos and had no wish to do so. Neither one of them is going to actually solve the state's fiscal problems. Neither one of them has provided a plan that has numbers that actually ADD UP. A few of my friends and I would like to shut the state down for six months (except for essential services like like the justice system, prisons, transportation) and then see what people actually MISSED afterwards. Then maybe we could get a handle on what NJ should be spending. But it will never happen.

I voted for 4 office holders, I split my vote between 2 Republicans and 2 Democrats and I'm not saying who I voted for for what.

I was REALLY tempted to vote for the pro-marijuana candidate just for the hell of it, since I was so disgusted.

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Straight Republican as usual.

No and Yes on the questions.

Brought my 6 and 4 year old boys into the booth to show them how to vote straight Republican, i.e., the "Good Guys", as I explained it to their impressionable minds.


Edited by Jimmy Leeds
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hey I'm kinda new to the whole jersey voting, but I don't get how they are legally allowed to have people standing across the street basically going "hey you're going to vote for XXX, right ??"

that seems kinda like illegal to me... I just remember all those big NO ELECTIONEERING signs from all my voting time in NY and I NEVER saw that when I'd vote on Staten Island.... was weird too me

I was infulenced negatively to vote by all those damn phone calls tell me to vote for them :P

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ya the phone calls did it for my mother... she wasn't sure who she was going to vote for and the more calls that came the less she wanted to vote..and today she didnt go, she was like..neither of them are saying anything positive in the messages, just bashing the others and so she didnt vote for either.

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Crasher, there is a buffer, they aren't allowed to do that a certain distance from the polling place. I am sure those people have it measured so they are as close as they can be without breaking the law.

I live in a small town and vote at one of the schools in town which has one voting machine and almost noone there (there are always more election workers than people voting when I go). I always wanted to be part of an exit poll but I'd imagine they just figure everyone in this town will vote Republican so it does not matter.

I also wanted to say I see what my taxes go for. They did a huge rennovation from when I was there to vote last November. I did not even recognize the place.

Sue, what didn't you have to vote for? I ended up voting for 5 people: Gov, 2 for State Assembly and 2 for something else (county iirc).

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And Corzine takes it in a walk as expected.


Dew, you should have voted absentee. They changed the rules so you can vote absentee just because you want to, you don't need a reason.


Isn't there a time frame to regsiter as absentee...I was hoping to be home sooner but add a bunch of complications this time around...last election I made it to polling station because I could negotiate my 25 steps...this time was a no go :( Oh well first time for everything.

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